SteemQuest : Split the Party (part 3)

in #steemquest6 years ago

Welcome! to SteemQuest a RPG based board game

[New Players]
SteemQuest is an ongoing and growing RPG world here on Steem. New players are always welcome. Players can come and go as they desire, just let us know when you are leaving (say you are taking an IRL 2 week vacation) we will make sure your character is somewhere safe until you return (or Thunk may just cover you with leaves on the side of the road)

If you are New and want to join just reply to any active post with a character. I will create you a character card and add you

Here are the current rules:

Here is the link to the character cards showing all your bright and shiny stuff:

Here is the link to the monster cards:

Our Story:

Pandora & Happyme are still looking for goods in the marketplace.

Zur is on a quest for his new “friends”

Quaid & TristenQ have successfully reformed the key and enchanted some items,

Thunk & Omar & E.T. are busy doing prep work on tonight’s special at the Tavern : {Frog Legs]

2nd map

[New Rules]

Bartering ‘ Negotiations-
When a player is interacting with an NPC both the player and NPC roll 1D20, the player than adds their characters personality to the roll.
The more the player’s total beats the NPC the more favorable the result.
The more the NPC’s total beats the player the less likely anything good will happen

Let’s Play


Tristenq: Quaid I think that anyone noticed that I made the chain mail if we leave now they might not notice. Also we should try and find everyone before we do anything with the key

Quaid: "Agreed. We'll see who we can find on our way back to the tavern, then figure out what to do from there. Assuming half the party isn't drunk into oblivion." (We'll meander our way back, try to collect the rest of our group along the way).

Hahahaha! Legs & Kegs!! This is the best night ever!!

It's feastin'time!!! Before we go up though...

ET uses a spare leg to poke the portal... does it go through?

Thunk walks back down a few steps to see what’s taking ET so long. Rather than walk ALL the way back down ... Thunk leans over the rail trying to see ET. Thunk slips and tumbles over performing a complete flip and is shocked to land on 2 feet.

“I meant to do that”. Head still spinning Thunk asks, ‘Whatcha doin’. Omar is fixin’ To put on a show for us. He said something about cookin’ us up some legs cook Ramsey style”

It manages to go through with effort. The portal is closed but looks weaker than before

HAHA THUNK! DIDJA SEE THAT? I pushed that spare leg through the portal... it's like an interdimensional rubbish disposal. This is the greatest thing ever, think we can take it on adventures with us?

Zur as you walk up to the halfling waving your mace around, he starts to shake.....

‘Would you like to purchase something ?’

Zur cuts to he chase "Little halfling, look here, I don't want any trouble but I need to collect the protection money that you owe. Hand it over and everyone gets to go home and see their family tonight"...

The halfling hands Zur 3 gold and 5 copper.

‘Here you go, I am happy you are here keeping us safe’

Happyme manages to find a merchant selling some Fine Wizard robes,

The merchant asks if you are interested in purchasing them.

fine robe.jpeg

Roll for encounter @rolld20 +3 personality.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

Ouch just 7. Hopefully the merchant has worse luck!

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

The merchant says you are helping out our Lord she will trade it for your old one.

Do you accept ?

Yes, that sounds like a good deal to me. Thank-you very much dear merchant! (I quickly make the trade) By the way, would you know of anyone that could enchant my bow with magic?

TristenQ & Quaid now have
tenaci bow.jpeg
For Quaid

omdanne axe.jpeg
For TristenQ

Thunk, Omar & E.T. Are in a life and death struggle with,,,,
No not really. They are making short work of the frogmen.

As 2 of the frogmen fall, the 3rd one dives back through the portal

Thunk - Well, I guess we’re havin’ Froglegs for dinner tonight. Seems like they’re all gone. The last one dove back through the wall. Hey, didn’t that key have a frog in it? We’ll have to ask that brainy guy Quaid if this means anything to him.
So, where are those kegs? Zarvagos, do you need anything else whilst we’re down here?

dinner time a love fried frog leggs whit some good ale. Omar fining a frog it seams dead or soon it will bee.....@rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 10.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

omar is collecting the legs and thinking if a give this to the on barman in the tavern maybe he can make something

Nice! Three sets of froglegs. Thunk, ET & Omar head upstairs with legs & kegs. Zarvagos follows with some staples for the kitchen.

When they get upstairs Thunk finds a chef hat and plops it on Omar‘s head. “ show us what you’ve got “

Thunk walks to the front door and finds a bell hanging on the wall. “Hmmm? Thunk starts ringing it hoping the rest of the party soon returns.

Pandora is in intense negotiations over a bow,
The merchant rolled a 16 last turn.
Can she convince her to come down on the price ?

She will try!!
Pandora rolls...


Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 20.

Oh my!! Such roll, much good

The merchant says she has just the bow you are looking for and she will put it on your house account,

You get
elven longbow.jpeg

"excellent! I will make sure Lord Darkcloak will hear of this."

Ofcourse, in reality Pandora will do no such thing.

OOC: WOW! We found us a blacksmith! I love those new items.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.14
JST 0.030
BTC 68523.63
ETH 3260.51
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.66