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RE: SteemQuest : Split the Party (part 3)

in #steemquest6 years ago

Thunk, Omar & E.T. Are in a life and death struggle with,,,,
No not really. They are making short work of the frogmen.

As 2 of the frogmen fall, the 3rd one dives back through the portal


Thunk - Well, I guess we’re havin’ Froglegs for dinner tonight. Seems like they’re all gone. The last one dove back through the wall. Hey, didn’t that key have a frog in it? We’ll have to ask that brainy guy Quaid if this means anything to him.
So, where are those kegs? Zarvagos, do you need anything else whilst we’re down here?

dinner time a love fried frog leggs whit some good ale. Omar fining a frog it seams dead or soon it will bee.....@rolld20

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 10.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 4.

omar is collecting the legs and thinking if a give this to the on barman in the tavern maybe he can make something

Nice! Three sets of froglegs. Thunk, ET & Omar head upstairs with legs & kegs. Zarvagos follows with some staples for the kitchen.

When they get upstairs Thunk finds a chef hat and plops it on Omar‘s head. “ show us what you’ve got “

Thunk walks to the front door and finds a bell hanging on the wall. “Hmmm? Thunk starts ringing it hoping the rest of the party soon returns.

ty ty....omar finding some laurel leaves, garlic, rosemary, thyme and carrots horseradish onion. the leggs are suprising room inside he stuffs all the goddys in there and put them on the just a some time is dinner Thunk can u get me and ale..?

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