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RE: SteemQuest Beta: Bucking Mule (Part 1)

in #steemquest5 years ago

Quaid sniffs the air. "Yep, smells like frog legs in here. We are definitely in the right place. Spread out, see if you can find out from a waitress or barkeep where they get them from. We'll track them back to their source." Quaid will chat up a server and ask about frog legs. Personality is +0! @rolld20


“Wait...what? I knew that smelled familiar but I... Hey Quaid! Come here. I’ve got something we need to discuss, er... private like”. Thunk tells Quaid that since Grim is in the kitchen he may actually be cooking up the forbidden legs. “Grim’s memory ain’t too good ya know. He just sees ingredients to cook with. He may not remember where they came from. Let’s go check out what he’s doin’ in there.”

"GRRRIIMMMM!" Quaid runs into the kitchen.

OOC: Although I just checked the last post. It said it was a crate of "Frog Legs." So... @simplegame, are those frog legs or frogMAN legs?

OOC: frogMan legs so someone is importing them.

They do not seem to be illegal in this town

The waitress says,

We get a shipment once a week, from the merchant guild. Don’t you get your supplies from them ? They supply the whole town.

Shake shake shake, you roll the 20-sided die.

You rolled a 17.

I will also excuse myself into the back alley after sipping my ale to go relieve myself so I can !search
You know, for clues...

You search the surrounding area and you find jar of spice

Quaid sniffs the spice. "I'll bet Grim could use these... hey! Where is Grim?"

GIVE ME GIVE ME....a need it...mix it in the batter, spice frog leggs jummy,,

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