
“I see everyone has a drink. Grim must be cooking up a storm in there’, Thunk points his chin at the kitchen. “Sure is smelling good”. Thunk sees Khan and the mage enter and pours them both a pint.
Thunk looks at the newest members of the group, “If your gonna drink my ale you have to give us a good story. Tell us about yerselves. You sure seem able to handle yerselves in a fight... but you seem to get a bit soggy doin’ it”. Thunk laughs and gulps down his ale and freshens it up with a new pour.

Thunk pulls out his newly found ticket and whispers to Quaid, ‘Hey Cap’n. I can’t seem to read some bone dust in my eyes..uh, yeah...that’s it...bone dust is makin’ it hard to read the words. Can you tell me what it says?”

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