[Day 21] "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)


Day 21....just back from Shenzhen after 2 days trip with @minloulou~ Went to book store at OCT Harbour and bought 2 books! I am going to study Japanese and improve my English by self-learning in 2019! Hope I can keep up.
Also I would like to share some photos of our meet up yesterday! We had great time and long conversation..I am looking forward to meet fellow steemians again :D

第21天...今天結束了跟 @minloulou 的深圳兩天遊..回家了! 我們去了歡樂海岸的西西弗書店看書...買了兩本書! 在2019年..我想要自學日文,還有改善英文! 希望我可以好好堅持:)
另外..我想跟你們分享一下昨天Meet up的照片! 我們聊了很久.也很開心! 好期待下一次可以再見你們呀!

@honoru @cherryzz 聚會了..還有跟 @tydebbie @stepbie @crypto.talk 視像通話了!



Glad to see more people join us and do exercise in daily basis!

Also..please find below message about the important update of our plank challenge!

From now on, it is not compulsory to take video for this challenge :) Photos with some feeling are welcome! (Just remember to use #plank-contest as tag) 이제부터 플랭크 도전을 그냥 사진 와 문자만 보내도 돼요! (영상 찍은 필요 없어요 ㅋㅋㅋ) (그리고 꼬리표 #plank-contest 사용만 돼요) 由現在起....做平板支撐用照片參加就可以呀! (只需要大家加 #plank-contest 就好了!!)

Thanks for your attention and support!
지지와 이해해주셔서 감사합니다!

To encourage people doing an easy exercise in a daily basis,
Spend ONE-MINUTE in doing PLANK.
Keep doing this for a month and you will see something is changing from your body.

We spent so much times sitting in the office everyday and we hardly move or workout after office hour. The thought of exercise are gradually slipping away from our daily life.
This planks challenge only takes ONE-MINUTE from you everyday
It’s very acceptable for everybody as I believe :)
I will host this challenge with @minloulou and wish you all can join!

How to join
1. Warm-up and prepare yourself to take the challenge
2. Work on the ONE-MINUTE-PLANK
(If this is your first time to do PLANK, just take it easy and try to do 30 seconds or less! And then slowly increase the time to one-minute)
3. Take photos when you’re working on it (Not compulsory to take snap tube from now on)
4. Upload the photos to steemit and share some feeling after plank :) (For clips, you can use dtube)
You can use this as a topic
[Day 1] "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
5. Tag #plank-contest
6. HANG ON for 30 days
you can nominate others to join as well

Please try to speak something when you are recording the clip

무슨 할동이에요
여러분에게 짧은 시간안에 운동할 수 있는 할동이에요!
매일마다 시간을 내고 플랭크을 1분 해요!
한 달 후에...자신 몸에 변화가 볼 수 있어요!

우리 일하는 동안 계속 앉았어요! 퇴근 후 운동하러 나가는 생각이 거의 없어요!
우리 운동하고 싶은 이유는 점점 잊어버렸어요!
이 활동은 여러분의 바쁜 생활 중에 딱 1 분 정도 필요해요! 플랭크 하자!!
그럼 바쁜 사람들에게 이 방법을 받아 들이는 더 쉬울 거 같아!
그래서 저는 @minloulou 함께 이 할동을 시작했어요! 여러분 같이 참가할 수 있으면 진짜 좋겠어요!

참가 방법

  1. 마음은 잘 준비하고 다음에 도전을 받아요!
  2. 플랭크 1분 해요! (그냥 30 초 해도 괜찮아요! 며칠후에 1분 할 수 있어요!)
  3. 플랭크 하면서 사진을 찍어요!
  4. 그 다음.... 사진 steemit의 문장에서 포함돼요! (영상 필요 없엉요) 다른 사람들을 지명 해도 돼요! 제목은 [Day 1] "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days
  5. 꼬리표 #plank-contest 사용해요!
  6. 30 일을 고수하세요!

只需要大家每天抽時間, 做 一分鐘的平板支撐
堅持做一個月, 相信你就可以看到自己身體的變化 :D

我們每天上班都是一直坐著, 下班後有時候也會不太想出去做運動!
慢慢, 做運動三個字好像離我們越來越遠!
相信對生活忙碌的大家來說...會較易接受 :)
所以我跟@minloulou就想了這個活動, 希望大家都可以一下參加!

1. 先做好熱身, 準備好自己的心情迎接接下來的挑戰
2. 開始一分鐘平板支撐
(如果你是剛開始接觸平板支撐, 只能做到30秒的話也是沒問題的! 幾天後慢慢增加到一分鐘就可以了! 最重要是量力而為!)
3. 邊做邊拍一些照片 (不用拍視頻也可以)
4. 做完以後 把照片放到文中, 也可以提名其他人一起參加!
標題可以用[Day 1] "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰]
5. #plank-contest 到tag
6. 堅持30天!

You can also copy above message to your article :) Remember to put below link as reference!
大家也可以複製上面的方法到你們的文章! 記得要附上文章的網址喔 [Important change/重大改變] "Doing PLANK" 1 min PLANK challenge for 30 days [30天平板支撐挑戰] :)

Attention please!!! Incentive scheme is now start :D
In order to encourage all participants to nominate others to this challenge... I am going to start an incentive scheme from now! The scheme will have 3 different section and 1 week for each section!

2nd week: 18 Dec 10:30 am to 25 Dec 10:29 am (Beijing Time) INCENTIVE SCHEME DETAILS

  1. PLANK challenge participants post the daily PLANK video
  2. Nominate other steemians who did not join us and state in the article
  3. Once nominees join the challenge and stated the nominator name in the article, nominator will get 1 count!
  4. Incentive will be distribute to TOP 3 count at the end of week :D

Top count - 3 steem
2nd count - 2 steem
3rd count - 1 steem
Special thanks @davidke20 sponsor 10 steem for support this challenge!

We will use #plank-contest as filter! Please make sure that nominators and nominees use the right tag!! CHEERS

注意!!! 鼓勵活動現在開始了 :D
為了鼓勵更多已參加的伙伴去提名其他人參加...我決定從今天辦一個鼓勵活動! 活動會分3段進行, 一星期為一段!

第二個星期: 18 Dec 10:30 am to 25 Dec 10: 29 am (北京時間) 鼓勵活動詳細資料

  1. 已經參加的伙伴按平常一樣發PLANK視頻/相片
  2. 在文中提名其他還沒有參加PLANK活動的steemians一起參加!
  3. 如果被提名的伙伴參加了這個活動..而又在文中寫出是因為提名人提名的話! 那麼提名人就會有1次提名成功的記錄!
  4. 鼓勵金將會在每星期完結後發給每星期提名成功記錄最高的3位 :D

最高一位 - 3 steem
第二位 - 2 steem
第三位 - 1 steem
特別鳴謝拉仔 @davidke20 贊助我10個steem以作這個活動的鼓勵!

我們會用 #plank-contest 作篩選! 請確定被提名的伙伴跟提名的你們都用對了標籤!!CHEERS

如果你喜歡我的文章...請不要吝嗇你的點贊!!!! DONT HESITATE TO UPVOTE IF YOU LIKE MY ARTICLE!! 所有照片如非特別註明”SOURCE”在照片下方, 全部都是由我自己拍攝
All photos are taken by myself unless it specially indicated "SOURCE" under the photo

Source of steemit line

Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://yanyanbebesteem.000webhostapp.com/2018/12/day-21-doing-plank-1-min-plank-challenge-for-30-days-30%e5%a4%a9%e5%b9%b3%e6%9d%bf%e6%94%af%e6%92%90%e6%8c%91%e6%88%b0



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吃了吗?还在发愁自己的好文没人发现,收益惨淡吗?记得加上cn-curation标签,让飞鸽传书 帮你走出困境吧!假如我的留言打扰到你,请回复“取消”。


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@tanlikming 阿力 迎着台风 坐着坦克给您送来

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~



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英语那本书看来蛮适合我的😊 日语不用我操心,我老婆会,哈哈!

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Congrats Day 21 ♩♬
Plank ♥ LOVE !

What a happy day !

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