A City A Story Photo Weekly Contest #35 Darkness-Love at first sight in the dark

in #steempress6 years ago

This may sound incredible, but only a few days ago I had the opportunity to look at a Owl face to face.

I had the image of a large and terrifying animal, when I listened to him hooting the sensation he transmitted to me was fear. Possibly this anchor linked to the owl is due to the fact that in childhood I heard adults talking about stories of ghost associated with the song of nocturnal birds.

That night I heard him hooting and I looked out the window, he was small and was standing next to the wire fence in my yard. His appearance changed my perception completely. He just seemed so tender despite his penetrating gaze.

Maybe this little animal has its home in a centenary mango tree that was saved from felling, since in this area a children's garden and a park with sports fields were built. My house overlooks the park and surely this visitor makes his night round when the lights of the neighborhood are off.

I immediately went for my camera, and from the window I tried to take some photos. But since it was at night I had to use the flash, I tried to do it without the flash, the image was dark but I did not want to frighten away my owl. He was on his back.

Then he felt my presence, and slowly he turned his head away, as well as who does not want the thing. I managed to make only a shot in this position.

Quickly he turned his gaze completely to where I was, the lights were off, but they have a very developed view. And this was his first expression when he looked at me, I think his look is a surprise.

And then he hardened his gaze more, as if he were scolding me!
and zas! He's gone.

The truth is that despite his angry gaze, I fell in love with that owl, but it seems that I am not reciprocated, he has not returned to visit me.

Hope is the last thing that is lost, so I and my camera are waiting for him.

Everything happened so fast, the darkness and the movement of the owl made the photographic task difficult, so the images are not very clear.

City: Florencia Colombia
Camera: Canon Power Shot SX 400 ISS
Entry for the contest held by @aaronli



Posted from my blog with SteemPress : http://samic.vornix.blog/2018/07/16/a-city-a-story-photo-weekly-contest-35-darkness-love-at-first-sight-in-the-dark/


Siempre me han llamado la atención las lechuza y los búhos, me parecen unas aves misteriosas, tiene una mirada profunda. La postura de su cuerpo. Pero estoy confundida, el de tu foto que es?, por la oscuridad yo lo distingo como búho. Aunque no estoy segura.
Sabes, en una ocasión me trepe a un tanque como de dos pisos de alto, para ver unos polluelos de lechuza, habían tres, estaban gorditos, la mamá los alimentaba con ratones, habían muchos huesos alrededor.
Me encantó poder verlo, así de pequeños, se veían tan tiernos.

jajaja eras bastante inquieta.
Leí que ellos comen ratones wacala!
TambIen averigué que los que tienen las cejas levantadas como si fuesen orejas son buhos. Los hay de varios tamaños.

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I think you taken the best photography with owl really it's rare to see... well done my friend...


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I remember my face to face encounter with an owl and as you can see in my profile pic, that is the owl that I photographed in our yard. It was the last moment that I get to see this owl. I only have this photo of it as a memory.

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Oh yeah
It seems that I am not the only one abandoned by an owl.

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Haha! Before this last shot, a couple of these owls visit us yearly. They were smaller then. I guess this is the full grown size. I miss these birds.

En la cuarta toma, realmente presto mucha atención a tus indicaciones para lograr la foto que querías y la pose espectacular mejor pa que!!
Saludos @samic

jajaja muchas gracias @henjos

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Ese buho se ve hermoso, que gran mirada tiene, excelente tu foto a lo esencial del ellos sus ojos.

Creo que nuestra sociedad nos ha ido cohibiendo de ver a la gente a los ojos, y a muchos nos incomoda que nos vean a los ojos. Es posible que eso sea parte del mito. Aunado a los miedos que se nos inculcaron a la noche y a los habitantes de la noche. Pero ya veo que tu no le tienes temor a esos ojos penetrantes que parecieran taladrar nuestras almas. Buena captura.

Tienes razón, esta molestia puede estar ligada a la crianza, recuerdo que en tiempos viejos escuchaba decir que mirar a los ojos a los mayores, superiores, no era bien visto, o se consideraba irrespeto. Esto crea anclas erróneas. Ahora sabemos que es la expresión la que cuenta, mas no la mirada en sí. En cuanto al buho, tienes razón, son los mitos, después de mirar a este visitante, simplemente me pareció divertido y bonito.

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amiga que lindo ese buho,tiempo que no veia,muy lindas fotografias,cuento con su apoyo,saludos y feliz noche.

Saludos @samic. A pesar de que las imágenes no están nítidas, realmente se puede apreciar un hermoso búho. Su mirada fue de curiosidad, sentía que alguien lo observaba.

sí, ellos son bastante pilas para detectar la presa en la noche, asi que me pilló jaja

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Hola @samic, ese animalito te miro asi pensando , quien es esa señora tan linda que me quiere tomar una foto?, aqui encendio un poco sus ojos.Luego volvio a mirarte y dijo , pero si es tan tierna e inteligente , se merece que yo pose para ella .Tranquila samic , ese animalito tambien quedo enemorado , lo que pasa es que se quiere hacer de rogar , asi que volvera , claro que si .
Feliz semana querida samic:)

jajaja gracias Martica, el mundo seria mas hermoso si hubiesen muchas Martha como tú que nos alegran el día con su dulzura.

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Great photography well don job friend....
Upvote for you

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