Removing my witness vote for the first time, this guy is disappointing. | 取消见证人票

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)


Jerry was the first influencer I've come over when I first joined here one year ago. His style of making lengthy but very informative blog posts really attracted me so much and I must admit I learnt a few things from him.

When he said that he was all-in Steem by selling all of his stocks and altcoins which I still remember should be valued for about a total $60k when 1 STEEM was around $1, I was amazed seeing someone making a bold move like this. And for quite a long time(until now), I would say that was a kickass successful investment.

Apart from that, he showed the public how a digital nomad(yes I regard he as one) lives in real life and some of the tricks he is using for creating content. He admitted that his lengthy posts were the outcome of voice-to-text translation but I don't mind reading them as long as they are the quality one.

He also used to run numerous of advertisement on FB and YouTube for the sake of Steem and that's the biggest reason I gave him my witness vote when he is running the campaign.

And things slowly change

He stopped the advertising, producing content that doesn't interest me it used to be, but that's all okay as long as my chosen witness continue to contribute to the community, which is getting weaker every day as I can tell.

Jerry started to make farces here and there on the platform. From the ingenious Steem sign-up fee for $50 to the SteemFest 2.5 and hilarious JerryBanfieldCoin, I can't name it all. You may move to the better documentation if you are interested, I personally had a good time reading it.

I had no admiration for this guy anymore

I tend to not opening up his post for informative stuff but to check out what jokes he has made recently. And that could be the only reason why I'm still following Jerry. He seems to exploit every possible chance to make money even out of the thin air. I admire such aggressiveness in chasing the almighty cash but at least do it in a sane manner.


Yes, you see it right, the cost to have a 1-on-1 calling session with this man is $810 per hour. I'm not sure if his time worth that much or I have something worth that much to share with him, but if you do, please feel free to drop a visit at:

Jerry's desire for making money is abnormally strong for people like him, I don't know him well he seems to like living a decent standard of life. He is smart and sometimes charming(controversial), that's exactly why he could make it up to the top 20 witnesses and still is. At the same time, he is the most dramatic style(in a bad way) of a witness I've been seen and voted.

I don't need a witness like that.

Jerry 是个非常具有戏剧性的的见证人之一,也是早期我最早认识的 Steem 网红之一。无可否认早期从他干货满满的文章里我确实学了不少东西,也颇享受阅读他的文章。可最近几个月发生的事情慢慢让我看清他的真面目了,总之就是无所不用其极的在赚钱。有兴趣的可以去这篇文章看看,把他所闹过的乌龙和闹剧都列出来了,有好些我是早已知道的。阅读完后碰巧有空就是顺手去取消投给他的见证人票了,他算是第一个我取消的见证人吧。


Posted from my blog with SteemPress :








10 倍回报还有这样的东西?Sounds like a total scam. 真的不要了吧,太假了。





I voted for Jerrybanfield as a witness but not anymore as meno's article about him came to light and the outrageous fee to call him. Upvoted!

He values his time more than any of us, which is a good thing in the other sense.

取消了,晚上可以睡个好觉 :)


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