Update on all Things Falseyedols and Cablebox

in #steempress6 years ago (edited)



It's been awhile since I've sat down to write, and decided it was a good idea to come with an update on all the projects I'm working on! I've got a lot of awesomeness in store for you all!

TVLS EP Published!!!!!

My newest body of work, TRVLS, is online over at my Bandcamp page for free download! It's got 7 instrumental tracks that are heavy in bass, chill in vibes, and ambient as hell. It was a blast making the EP, and I sampled some voices you might recognize. I always try to work in a bit of my philosophy into my music one way or another, and those who get it, get it. The quotes in this one were meant to inspire!

Cablebox Podcasts

My very good friend and close collaborator, Elimence (@elimence) and I started a brand awhile ago called Cablebox, and our exact purpose for the brand started as more of a record label, but we are shifting it a bit more towards a podcast and means to promote artists. We have published our first episode onto the Steem blockchain via @dsound, as well as created a video version and uploaded to YouBoob for archival purposes. You can find all podcasts on this lovely site under the "Podcasts" tab. In addition to this Cablebox project of ours, we are also coordinating with a local brewery to setup an open arts event. We are going to call it Cablebox Presents: Open Arts at Gold Camp Brewery. We are also going to include the event somehow into our podcasts.

Cablebox on Voices from the Mountains and MSP-Waves

Every Friday, from 9-11pm (Mountain Standard Time) on msp-waves.com and on the MSP-Waves Discord channel, you can hear segments of the Cablebox Podcasts on @vfmradio with hosts @lpfaust, @intuitivejakob and me!

Things to Look out For

I will begin finishing my work with the insanely talented singer, Emily Stranger (@emilystranger), and boy do we have something for you! She is such a powerful vocalist with a wide range, and the way she connects on these songs of mine will surely take you back. I am so excited to share my next musical project with the world!!
Thanks for Stopping by and Stay Tuned!!!!

Did you know?!?!?!?!



I am apart of a radio show on @msp-waves called Voices from the Mountains #vfmradio. Every Saturday, 3-5am UTC you can hear my beautiful voice along with my host mates @intuitivejakob, @lpfaust, and @elimence. We get pretty silly, and you're sure to be entertained between the satire/comedy, music and energy readings. We are working on building a team up and we have some other big plans in store for the future! So excited to actualize our vision.


About the Author: Falseyedols is a musician, producer, audiovisual artist, blogger, radio host and curator (thanks to Steemit). Through a diverse range of skills and modes of art, Falseyedols aims to unite everyone through a common appreciation of the arts. If humanity can find a common ground, it is easier to see our similarities and thus get along. We are all people, after all! Decentralization and the blockchain may be exactly what the world needs to achieve unity!


Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://fcc.xopus.io/?p=237

Hey my Mandel Bro!!!! (see what I did there?!)

As always, I am delighted by your response, as you are the first video comment I have ever received! What an awesome way to share feedback, insight, and add a little spice to the comment feed! You da man!!!

I am very excited for the podcast, and would absolutely love you to be on sometime! We talk about damn near everything, and it would be cool to shoot the shit with you, my man. We are really excited to coordinate this open arts event, as it will help the local business and local artists! Win win ;)

I think your mandela's and fractals would do great in Brazil! Doesn't hurt to try. You are an exceptional artist who's appeal is global.

As for the TRVLS link, good catch! I meant to go back and edit in the link, which I have done. So you don't have to scroll up and find the newly embedded link, Here's another one. Let me know what you think if you get a chance to check it out!

The VFM radio stuff has been difficult, as I work the brewery those nights, but am trying to get segments recorded for that. Life's thrown me some curve balls lately, but I'm curving right back. Look forward to chatting with you guys friday!!!


Happy that you like the idea ^^ .. It takes some effort but once you get used to the process, it can be quick, as long as you're not too self-conscious once hitting 'record' ... Doing several takes is what eats up time, lol.

Ooohh, a guest on a podcast... Sounds nifty ^^ ... I get nervous thinking about it but I've been trying to ignore those types of nerves recently ;P Thanks, just let me know when the next recording time is and I'll see if I can fit it into my schedule ;P .. (It's actually a busy schedule now!)

Can't wait to listen to your new stuff asap. Not right now though, gotta head to bed.

Curve balls, eh? I'll ask you about those on Friday, methinks...

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