Steemit's REAL Hidden Potential Part 2 - Also a Short Article


I was pretty torn about whether to actually write this. Actually, there's still a chance that I'll just delete the whole thing when I reach the last word. It try to mix up topics, and I already wrote some about steemit's potential.

Steemit is just so interesting as a platform, I really want to do some more digging into what's really possible with it. There are many people in the community that are exploring this question and helping others to (here's looking at you, steemprentice).

The blockchain is forever. That's a real opportunity to record not only information, but thoughts, feelings, and experiences that might be of value to others. Of course, this isn't without risk. I've made some friends, built a small (but loyal, I like to think!) follower base, and I spend a lot of time on rocket chat and perusing people I follow as well as new articles (well, I try to).

Part of my question is: is there something of worth near that deep, raw level of personal exposure? I mean, how many times have you said "if only I had known this ten years ago!"? Well, there's someone out there who is ten years younger than you, or who is closer to your age but won't have your realization for yet another ten years. It might be too late to save yourself the time, but you might be able to help others.

That's the true power of us humans. We can use language to build on top of the experience and progress of others.

Knowledge is the highest form of leverage, and as Archimedes said: Give me a lever long enough and a place to stand and I'll move the world.

I was recently looking around at a room full of journals. I've been writing in journals since I knew how to write. Most of them beyond six or seven years ago are totally lost, sadly, but I still have a LOT of writing lying around. Even apart from that there's my own experiences, the transformations I've intentionally made and what I learned along the way.


For the first time it occurs to me that all of this chaos I call my life might actually be useful to someone other than myself.

While I'm at it, maybe I'll be able to make better sense of it all. So much happens in a life, that even a relatively uneventful one can feel like a storm. Only through reflection can we find a signal in the noise.

But sharing isn't easy. It requires us to expose ourselves, to expose our flaws and weaknesses. It's altogether fairly embarrassing, and as highly social creatures we learn at a young age to bury our feelings deep in day to day life and not over share. I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing, but there have got to be special spaces and places where we can intentionally break that.

Places where you can read something, laugh, shake your head and say "Yep. Totally been there," or "Hunh. That's interesting because I always thought this other thing," or "Reading that really bothers me. I wonder why?"

Originally this was supposed to become an introduction to such a post, but it's already gone on too long.

Don't worry, I'm still into the stuff I've been writing, and I don't plan on giving up any of the article series that I've started, but I think that peppered throughout there are going to be some changes of pace.

Hope to see you guys there. And as always, thanks for reading.

Follow: @jenkinrocket


Other Posts:

Board Game Reviews #3: Star Realms
Steemit's REAL Hidden Potential
The Law of Accelerating Returns: Why the Future is Brighter and Stranger Than You Think


Indeed Steemit is a great opportunity to write about our personal journeys and I look forward to reading about yours. I have found that while I have tons of journal writing, it has not been easy to frame it in a way that's useful. I have many notes for posts that may never come to be because I can't find the glue to hold them together. Anyway, I suppose each of us has to find our own way and I look forward to what comes out for you.

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