Today I Celebrate FIFTY !!! ๐ŸŽ‚๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽˆ๐ŸŽ‡

in #steemph โ€ข 6 years ago (edited)


Aaaagh, I'm 50 Now! No, not the age - the Reputation Score! ๐Ÿ˜„

It's been 234 days since I first joined Steemit and I feel I'm at a point where I'm finally coming into my own and obtained some measure of credibility (I hope ๐Ÿ˜›).

I first learned about blogging back in 2007 from a team mate when I still worked in a BPO. He was posting pictures about their farm, the organizations he joined and various random thoughts and musings. I thought it was interesting but just couldn't devote any effort to what I thought then as something kitsch and trivial. Little did I know it would boom into a colossal industry in the years to come! ๐Ÿ’ฐ


Fast forward to 2015, I already quit the BPO scene for it's toxicity and looked for a less abusive job. First week of March I got hired as a work-at-home Quality Analyst.

The company paid us via Bitwage , a payroll startup that allows users to pay or be paid in Bitcoin and funnelled to Coins.PH for withdrawal. I had absolutely no idea about Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency back then. I even had an argument with the payroll department why my pay's exchange rate did not match FOREX rates. ๐Ÿ“Š

It was when they explained how things were processed and computed that my mind was opened to the world of blockchain technology and crypto. Tech nut that I am, I started to research about cyptocurrencies and while browsing in Udemy I saw a free course about earning money just by posting blogs and that's how I discovered STEEMIT! ๐ŸŽ‰๐ŸŽ†

The Udemy teacher made it sound so lucrative and easy that just by posting a single picture or video you'll immediately earn $200++. HOW CAN I REFUSE? I immediately signed up and got my account approved a few days later. I logged in and discovered a website that's oozing with brainpower, it was information overload! Blogs about almost anything you can think of, I was very intimidated. ๐Ÿ˜ถ

It was lonely not knowing anyone on the platform so I went around socializing; commenting and replying to posts and I was very happy that there's a tag for my country #Philippines ! I started to acquaint myself with my kababayans and eventually learned of #SteemPH. I joined their Discord Channel and with their guidance found out that 80% of what the Udemy guy taught was so wrong! He advocated making generic "great post" comments and single picture or video blog entries. ๐Ÿ‘Ž

After unlearning the crap taught by that guy, I followed the "Do's And Dont's" on the platform and applied other best practices. It was hard starting from the bottom but as I kept writing, learning and expanding my network, my efforts to improve in Steemit went more smoothly. ๐Ÿ˜„

I'd like to give A HUUUUUUUUUUGE THANK YOU! to @surpassinggoogle for giving me motivation to push forward and encouraging me to be myself when I was just a fresh 25-Reputation newbie.๐ŸŸ

I will be more loose, casual and authentic with my posts from now on and I hope you will find value with what I have to share. ๐Ÿ˜Š



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Congratulations! Steem On!

Thank you @fotografia101, I'm happy you dropped by to comment. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

You had me at "Today I celebrate FIFTY" LOL. Honestly, good content you have here, wish I was also a techie nut.

That's fine, Steemit's for everyone; techie & non-techie. ๐Ÿ‘

Congrats! Wishing you an even faster trip to 70.

Why thank you, I sincerely wish the same for you! ๐Ÿ˜

congratulations! its inspiring to see posts like this as it serves as a motivation to newbies like me. it gives us something to look forward to and somehow assures me that all my efforts wont go to waste and that soon enough I will be able to reap the fruits of my hard work. =) Cheers!

Just keep writing , reaching out and making meaningful connections with fellow Steemians and you're very likely to see your Steemit experience fully bloom. ^_^

i totally agree with this... i like how you inserted the word "meaningful".. this is true, it should really be meaningful and not just for the sake of being followed and upvoted... Cheers to your success! will be seeing you around then =)...ill definitely remember you when its time to celebrate mine =)

kumusta rainbow me! :) Congrats on 50! that is awesome! yay!

im following u and upvoted now.

Hi @chinito, thank you! It's been a long time coming and finally here. ^.^

I check your blog from time to time for crypto trading trends.

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