Dear Diary: It Is Quite Hard To Be A Night Owl Because Of My Condition Because Of One Reason

in #steemph7 years ago


I am mostly awake all the time and currently for the past few years really I just sleep whenever I feel like sleeping because I had found out for my body that if I go to sleep without feeling it I will just pass the time twisting and turning into my bed and I eventually just waste my time without doing anything or sleeping.

Ii realized that people just spent most of their time sleeping considering that we only have to stay in this world for only a short time so what I just do is to use my remaining short time for being as productive as possible because i believe in the saying that "Time is of the essence" and "Cease the day" because we are just like a flower, we grow from a seed and then we show our beauty to the world. Eventually we die and wither and life starts again with another flower but for us it is over.

So it will just be better for us to do good things to one another so that we can live in peace, harmony, and joy simply because we have a relatively short life. We cannot live forever and even though if there will come a time that a head transplant is possible, our brain itself also goes old and deteriorate because its cells dies out in time. Immortality is not possible physically except without divine intervention about it.

That is how I use my time, for being a night owl, to use my time wisely and productively because there is not much time for me n my condition and one day I will also die and will just be grateful and thankful that I had seen this world and I am fortunate that I had witnessed the beauty of the world and the love and care of the people that I had met personally and online. So I just pray that all people will love their neighbors because there isn't much time for us to use in this world but our short lifetimes.


Break time is very important so use that time even as @cryptopie

I agree with you @cryptopie, and you're doing it right. Just think positive. Don't get despair with your condition. You are doing better than most of us here. Keep strong brother!

Yeah, what I would say too.
@cryptopie has stated the basic truth about life, only it's beginning to sound depressing. It shouldn't, life is what it is! You're doing well mate, stay postive!

Yeah we will all left this world some sooner and some later, just our good deeds will remaining in this world and these good deeds will take us in Heaven of our Lord, Where we will be live forever.

In the Judgment Day, there will be a conversation between this man and God. God shall say to him "I shall reward you heaven because of my grace". The man shall ask, "Not because of my good deeds?". God shall reply, "No. The amount of your good deeds could not even match the amount of the favours that you had received from me -your health, welfare, etc- for which you thanked me. So in no way will they even be enough to earn you my heaven."

So we must need to say thanks to God for his blessings.

Yes that is the sad reality of life that we eventually get old and then die. We should consider life just as a gift from God and therefore must make the best use of it and have a positive outlook even in adverse situations. Bitterness and hate only bring misery.

Yeah you are right. Most people sleep 8hrs and still have an extra 2hrs sleep in the afternoon called siesta. If you calculate there leisure time, food time, bath time, clubbing and doing meaningless things it would be like 8hrs. So that means their productive time is just 6hrs. That is a waste but dear in your case you need the rest. Don't over stress yourself. I know you want to touch some many lives but you also need your rest.

It's kinda a post of different flavor!! What happened to you?
By the way, it's the correct realization about our life. We are here for a short time, just like a traveler. We will pass this place soon. But our every activities shows that we will be here forever, that not true, not even by a head transplant. .

You are absolutely right "there is not much time for us to use in this beautiful world" Thank to remind us @cryptopie

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keep the spirit of friends, may always be successful

with conditions that are not perfect does not mean we can not do anything to prove to everything that you can be friends

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