Another reason Steempeak is better: Just the Witness Page alone looks cooler than anything on (or Busy or any other steem front end)

in #steempeak5 years ago

Just the Witness page alone on is cooler than any page on
Just the extra details, the boxes that i believ @jesta and his early design paved teh way for, it all fits so perfect and this team deserves MAJOR funding by the delegation team so the steempeak guys liek @asgarth and @jarvie can work on MORE than just games like @steemmonsters but create tools to rival Slaesforce and

And here it is with the @steempeak Dark theme turned on

I EVEN see a Openoffice style system with spreadhseets and powerpoint style stuff or just google office style integration, either one, it could be super important for steem. an implication of email and a steem browser could be teh result if we do what did and fork brave browser which anyone can do, and eplace the BAT token with Steem (Liek is doing with replacing BAt with Bitcoin and using brave for gabai ) We can do thata nd pay people STEEM to use our OWN network provided by @dclick


Yeah the site look cool!

Cool but can't seem to be able to upvote post or comment using steempeak keeps showing me error

Posted using Partiko Android

they are doing great job, and i am sure there is a lot of cool stuff in the making

Posted using Partiko Android

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