My adventure doing some painting and crafts with the Kids!

in #steemparents7 years ago

I feel like I should be sharing a little more of my #1 passion here with my friends on Steemit. My family and kids.

Today we did some crafts and painting, it got a little bit messy but I don't mind. Mommy was still sleeping and we had it cleaned up so no worries.


Here they are getting ready to paint! They are really quite fond of it, that like colouring and pretty much any craft really. My son even wore his whale shirt. Hoping maybe daddy would get a big whale vote, then be a big whale, then just stay home and play all day and blog at All kidding aside but I do hope to make a bit of income here one day and also through our coin business in order to work a bit less and spend more time home with the family.

Here they are eagerly getting into the paints. We were going to try to make some caterpillars a regular favorite around here.

It started off pretty good, with most of the paint going on the caterpillars. No one was very interested in mixing there paint or making new colours, just globing it all on.

This is when it started to get a little messy. My daughter decided it was more fun to paint her hand, and my son figure out he could use the painted caterpillar like a stamp to make designs on the table.

This is when daddy had the quick thinking to give the table a quick wipe and change the activity to finger painting on paper instead.

Here they are posing with there works of art, they will certainly go up on the art wall we have. Look how proud and happy they are.

Into the tub for a quick rinse, then another quick wipe of the table and it's all cleaned up. Not sure how the laundry will come out the other end, but I found the shirt for my daughter with the paint stains from last time so no worries again.

Here's hoping you liked my little showcase of our crafting and painting from today. I am going to submit it for the @steemparents craft contest they are currently hosting. It also seems there is quite the parenting community here on steemit so I'll likely be showing off my family a little bit more and sharing all the fun and adventures we enjoy having.

PS be sure to check out the awesome #teamcanada community we have around here, as well the as the awesome #teamaustralia and thealliance that took me in and adopted me as one of there own when I was a lost little minnow here on steemit.

Banner by @bearone


VERY cute Children love finger painting!

Please use the #parentchallenge tag for future challenge submissions. It'll make it much easier to find the post 😉

Sorry about that, I'll be sure to use it next time. Thx

They are so loveable! I am sure they think their dad is awesome because he encourages them to be creative and lets them get messy... great job dad :-)

Thanks, this painting mess is nothing compared to some of the outside messes.

They are so adorable and creative. Looks like they had a good time and discovering how artistic and creative they can be.
Well done....thanks for sharing

My pleasure thanks for stopping by.

I love how it was all cleaned up with a swift rinse and wipe. What a fun time this was. I love letting kids be kids ans being a kid with them !! And we love having your presence in thealliance

Thanks alot, yeah that washable finger paint is great, it comes out so easy. Way better then the folk art paint i've used for some other hand print projects. yikes.

It is always fun to do crafts & create with your children as they grow up so fast! Encouraging imagination is not something they do in school so you are a great Mom to be doing it at home

Aww, thanks, I'm sure I'm a great daddy too!

Haha awesome! You have a cppla cute kids! looks like they had a blast painting... I remember those days lol !
I cant wait for kids one day... maybe one day soon :D

Thanks man, maybe soon eh? sounds like your cooking something

Haha If it were up to me Id have 6 of them already :P

Sneaky Ninja.jpg
Sneaky ninja attack!



This is so much fun I work in preschool and I know how creative the kids can be and how much they love painting 😉
Really cool and they seem really happy and beautiful art work.. Lol
Thank you for sharing. Have a great day

Thanks for stopping by, we do have alot of fun.

My pleasure 😆 I believe that. I hope you are having a great Thursday and take care. Cheers

I loved it.
My favourite is the image in the bath tub with the blood red hands! "REDRUM"

Darryl (@dadview) resides in Canada. He is an active member of steemparents and #teamcanada
Check out my Latest Blog

Yeah,scary stuff eh. I should find the real photos from my dads butcher shop.

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