
We certainly hope so. We have some work to do with losing Real Deal and Fishay Fishay Retiring, and now Ellis is going to be sidelined until Christmas with his injury from the finals.

Gotta hope the guys we picked up in the offseason pick things up for us. And we continue to hold out hope that we can somehow work out a deal for Matt Duchene.

We'll see. New season, fresh ice. Let's go get that cup!

What is the rumored price Nashville would pay for Duchene?

If they can be in the playoof picture, and fresh Ellis for the 2nd half is priceless.

not anything we are willing to pay in players. They want a top 4 defenseman, but they aren't getting it. We've got the cap space for his salary with Mike Fisher's retirement. I just don't see us agreeing to what the Avs want player wise.

Maybe if the Avs are totally out of it come trade deadline and the price comes down, but I think they want Eks or Josi, and we aren't giving them up.

No reason too. I have Rinne as one of my keepers in my fantasy league. You see him being the guy there for a couple more years?

Man I dunno. They really like Jusse. I think Pekka is going to be the guy for another couple of years, but they will give the juice enough starts to be a problem fantasy wise. Keeping Pekka pretty fresh was a big part of what got them to the finals, and I can see them resting him more.

Unless they trade Sarros (they have with other talented goalie prospects) I think it may be writing on the wall for Pekka as a every night go to.

Sounds like you are pretty big into fantasy hockey! I was talking to the folks at ccasino about maybe starting something up with hockey, but I haven't played in over a decade. Need to look into it more.

You do ESPN, or or...?

I compete a 20 year league on CBS Sports. I just joined last year. It's pretty intense. Like a $200 buy in (and we need 1 more haha)

It's a category league, so it's heads-up, with the winner of the most categories a the victor that week. I won most of my weeks last year off SHG, PPP, Shootout goals & +/-. Makes drafting a lot more interesting.

I'd be into something on Steemit for sure.

I'm a huge Devils fan and have played hockey my whole life. Only sport I really get nuts about.

Ouch! That's a chunk of change to throw down. I'd be lucky to hide $50 from my wife for league fees. LOL

If we come up with anything for Steem Fantasy I will definitely be posting about it. I'm just hoping to get people with more reach than I have interested so we can fill at least one league and maybe get some sponsorships for a winner's pool.

I'm so happy to see my son skating and having a blast with it, although hockey is a stupid expensive sport for a ten year old! But I never learned to skate, so seeing him excel at something I couldn't ever hope to do is a proud thing!

The sport is really expensive.

If your thinking of an easy league, Yahoo! has the best set up and mobile app.

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