✈ Steemocracy : A Steem Comic | Volume 2 | "All Quiet on the Steemit Front" ✐

in #steemocracy8 years ago

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To be continued ...

All artwork by Tuck Fheman

Fun Facts

Under the Obama administration there have been a total of 373 drone strikes. The U.S. government has unleashed 424 total drone strikes resulting in 2,499-4001 estimated casualties. Of those killed, 424-966 were civilians, while 172-207 were children. There were also 1,161-1,744 injuries from drone strikes by the U.S. government. And that's just in Pakistan.

Other Countries

  • Yemen : 555-811 killed
  • Somalia : 222-386 killed
  • Afghanistan : 1,948-2,477 killed

Source : https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/category/projects/drones/drones-graphs

Will Steemit HQ be one of the many drone strike casualties as the U.S. government try to stop Edward Snowden from releasing classified information on the Steem blockchain?

Tune in next time to find out!


wow! Please, add the link of first part at the end of the post, so, new visitors can easily read all parts. Thanks!

Thanks, I forgot to do that! I added it in the comments.

nice. If you add the link at your all associated links then it'll be fine.

Great job on this strip bro/sis. Good to see the illustrated medium being done so well here on Steemit. Followed you and anticipate the exciting saga! :)

The policies of Barack Bombama. Good luck to him with trying to bomb the blockchain lol

You can't bomb the blockchain.


I don't know why you don't get more reward for it, considering that you drew it all yourself... Maybe if you draw some nudes of playmate, in next part, then it will attract votes from whales :-)

Heh. Oh well. You can't win them all. I made quite a bit off of my rant (that took 6 minutes to type) this week and I thought it would get downvoted into oblivion. So I'll just pretend I got those funds for my comic that took 6 hours. :)

Hahahaha money and social dynamics are very complex and fickle realities. You just never know!
I appreciated the comic, even though its just another reminder of how fucked/corrupt the system is.
They may not be able to bomb the blockchain but they could drone founders/owners etc.
In truth we just posted an article about how dangerous it is to challenge the beast. Here it is.

Give thanks for humor! It's the sugar that helps "your taxpayer dollars are used to kill children" go down.
We're digging these comics, @tuck-fheman--wake the sheeple!!!

:) Glad you like them!

I love the way you mix Fun and Serious stuff. ;) keep it going.... GO SNOWDEN! :P

Thanks! :)

You give a funny way to describe about drone. Yes many people in dispute country complain about drone. Drone can not watch clearly which is enemy and innocent people.... (sorry if there is wrong words in my comment, my English skill is below intermediate...ha...ha..) :)

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