♞ Steemocracy : A Steem Comic | Volume 1 | "Edward Snowden Joins Steemit" ✌

in #steemocracy8 years ago

Click to enlarge

To be continued...


I grew bored with my "Steem Life" comic and wanted to break out my Wacom again, so I introduce ...


This comic was born out of a simple discussion earlier tonight while eating dinner. I mentioned that I wanted to create a new comic, but instead of Photoshopping everything, I wanted to do drawings using my Wacom tablet. I'll admit, I was inspired by @klye and really like what he's been doing since it adds more personality and a unique touch.

I plan on making Steemocracy an ongoing story, since the first few volumes just spewed from my head all at once during dinner and we all laughed. So be sure to follow this blog and see what happens to Ed next time when a certain someone finds out what Eddie has been up to.

In This Volume

For some inside info on this weeks episode, "verax" was Edward Snowden's codename that he used when talking with Barton Gellman, a Washington Post reporter. Verax means “truth teller” in Latin. Previously in history two British dissenters used the pseudonym "Verax". A 17th-century Parliament detractor named Clement Walker, who died brutally in the confines of the Tower of London. And centuries later, Henry Dunckley, a social critic that adopted the byline “Verax” on his Manchester Examiner weekly columns.

Fun Fact

Edward Snowden has stated to reporters that the United States intelligence Community, “will most certainly kill you if they think you are the single point of failure that could stop this disclosure and make them the sole owner of this information.”

Hmm, I wonder what might happen if Edward were to disclose some information on a blockchain?

Tune in next time to find out!


@tuck-fheman Man you have the most funny posts. Gawd i wish I could post cool stuff like this!

666 flags hahaha
This comic is great. I'm looking forward to the next part :-D

I was wondering if anyone would catch the little details. :)

Here's the colored version of Volume 1 ...

Nice one! How'd you colour it?

I'm a wizard! :)

I did some PS magic like you suggested, got the background removed and went to work with my Wacom.

Dammit! As I was typing this I look up and see I missed adding the grass texture in areas and made it too thick on the right. Bah, I may fix that when my Yiynova Tablet Monitor comes in next week. Really looking forward to messing around with it versus this tiny ass Wacom. Drawing on 6x3 is tough enough, but looking up while doing it has been a chore to learn.

I wish I had colored this one. I screwed up and flattened it before I could color and erasing the background so I can color it is proving to be more work than it's worth. Oh well, lesson learned. I'm rather new to PS and don't really know where everything is yet. I'm a former Gimp user.

Try converting it to a vector and/or posterising it so it becomes monochromatic. Then you can remove the background cleanly again.

Also try using the threshold tool in gimp.

Cool, I'll give that a shot, thanks!

Reply to the colored version below so I can return your upvote. I wanted to move it to the top and removed my previous upvote of your comment. Thanks!

hehehehhee you maid my day bro, strange world

Release information on a system outside of government control.... That's crazy talk. Enjoying the drawing touch man!

That is very interesting, if Edward Snowden join steemit..... :)

Steemocracy? Nice ring to it. Btw, based on how this thing works, you might want to check out stuff by Cory Doctorow, since steem is a lot like some systems in his stories, whuffie from "Down and Out in Magic Kingdom". Someone also mentioned something like that in the "Makers", which I am yet to read. Anyhow, subscribed, I like to see where your webcomic goes.

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