in #steemnaira7 years ago (edited)


Dreams come in a size too big so that we may grow into them". Jossie Bisse

Just like it was yesterday i still can as crystal as possible recur some of the childhood questions i then did not have definite answers to.
" So tell us, what would love to be when you grow?" they would ask as though i was in an interview room. From kindergarten they (our parents) would make us pick up and play with toys they thought would relate or fit in to the big dream.

My dad at weekends would drive me around in his Mercedez E-Class Benz for some sight seeing and i must say it was always fun.
On our way back he would clear his throat twice as though something was blocking his trachea, this he has become a recurring decimal and so i knew what would always precede such voluntary trachea clearance. In his baritone voice he ask, "Do you know Dr. Mark Brownson?" and i would nod in affirmation ( am thinking to myself ... Hmm this is the 4th time he is asking me the same question in the last 3 days). "Well..." he would continue ... as though it was a recap of the news headline, "he is a good man and we love him as community".

For the records, Dr. Mark Brownson is a renowned medical doctor, he specialized in cardiology and as i was told has contribute greatly in improving the standard of living of the rural dwellers (my community). He donates 1/3 of his salary to an orphanage in the neighbourhood as well. No wonder well meaning person loves him and want their children to do what he is doing.


Parents (father and mother) or guardian as the case may be do this almost all the time, with pleading and loving eyes, urging their to live up to be Dr. Mark Brownson

The reality is not every can be Dr. Mark Brownson, Some actually want to be be Michael Jackson, Steve Jobs or Aliko Dangote

You probably would have been by your teacher same question not minding the classroom closed in by four unpainted, chalked, battery-carbon stained ugly walls. How on earth did they expect us to think or imagine clean in such atmosphere that seemed like the prison of criminals awaiting trial.


Well, to answer the Big dream question i had no definite reply to to soothe what they expected of me. But somehow deep inside i had the yearning to travel around the world making negotiations and sealing great, rewarding business deals.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover" ----- Mark Twain

If not for big dreams

In Nigeria for instance, the so called Big Dreams are fueled by forces outside of ourselves and it really difficult to play the fit-in game to the end. Some are actually living their parents big dream and not their.

You know, there still might be certain family expectations and somehow they want society to view you from their own perspective and what they think is in your best interest.

If not for the so called big dreams of parents, some of us would bring be living different and more fulfilled. Mostly life is easily viewed from a standpoint of what society calls success: graduating from an esteemed college, getting a well paid job, a picket-fenced house and probably a married with 2-4 children.

The trouble is you can never successfully leave another mans life and especially trying trying to fix in the big dream.

Sometimes our parents want us to live up to the big dreams they could not which is a good thing but at the same time it should be in sync with what we want as well. Two captains as i know cannot sail the same life-ship.

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world. Harriet Tubman

I therefore that propose that everyone should be allowed to dream their own dream. No need to try to fit in to another persons big dream.

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