Flight of the Elemental Phoneix Freewrite

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

So I had some TRX off to the side waiting on a pre-mainet pump bounce, after doing the math I realized I could buy several @steemmonster packs. Not going into the deets of how many I opened.

I figured taking a gamble on Steemmonsters would pay off more in the long run with how much cheaper the packs are now in the pre-sale than me dumping a baby hype train.

But my VERY first pack got me my first and only legendary. I didn't realize until after I hit close so I don't have the moment it was with its packmates. She is gorgeous.

First pack!.PNG

Let me create some lore. Legendary creature needs a legendary freewrite baby.

Aprox 10 minutes.

Flight Of The Phoneix

In the mountains above the plains of fire lies a lonely keep. Claimed by vines and scorched by fire it looks like as a black tombstone. Village elders of the local valleys speak of their forefathers who lived in the city of the keep. A city so old it was thought the mountain grew around the towering walls and stone. The Moutain's Father it was called. Centuries ago a great Baron ruled over the town. He was a collector of the wild creatures known to roam these lands. The monster keeper. And fittingly his residence was the Monster's Keep. The Keep was filled with creatures and monsters thought to be fever dreams and ghost stories. The local residence followed his words to the letter, fearful he may one day 'forget' to lock his pets in the evening. Neighboring towns and armies also feared his eccentric menagerie. So for decades the town grew up in this bubble of peace. The Baron grew more and more eccentric with his animals demanding to increase their ranks. Daily he sent out his villagers, mere farmers, with no expertise in combat magic, craftsmanship or even knowledge of how to catch these beasts. Night and day the population dwindled in the pursuit of his "darlings." Few villagers came back alive, the ones that did were often fed to the beasts. For their underwhelming support of their Baron's hobby.

One day a boy came into town with an egg. He was laughed and mocked, an infant could have done this task they told him. He was brought forth to his leader. The Baron exasperated by this attempt let the boy keep his hands and his precious egg. "You are too small to even be a good meal, be gone from here you coward."
The boy wept by the egg all night, his tears staining the eggshell.
It began to stir and rock after the boy rested. He awoke to a rumbling sensation beside him. The sound of cinders crackling echoed. The fire in every hearth, pipe and beneath every cauldron snuffed out. Inside the shack appeared a creature of orange fire. Its surroundings not even warm to the touch. The Baron's guards arrived to investigate. Foolishly trying to berate the boy and capture it. Their armor melted to their skins as the creature flew past them. It soared into the sky, its fire growing. The Baron ran to the top of his keep. Staring at this second sun. Fire swept the town like an agry sea as the beast ravaged, its rage growing with the inferno.
For the first time in his life the Baron feared a beast. He demanded the town to destroy the creature, the fight was brutish and short. The town became ashes. Except for the Baron. Who spent the rest of his days atop the keep pacing. Too afraid to climb down.
For the fires did not destroy his town.
They also destroyed his darling's cages, and each one waited for their former master to visit. So now centuries later, they say the fires still burn but no one is brave enough to go look. In case any of the monsters still hunt on that mountainside.

Let me know what you think!

I might do more lore write ups.

The man with the plan lacking a spray on tan, bigger nuclear arms than Iran. GIF Master, pastor of disaster, rhyme caster, bad dude blaster. No one does good lore faster.




Steemmonster trainer in training.

bird attack.gif

Smash that upvote button to stay entertained.
And to feed my ego... I mean my good force wutang juju wombo combo juices.

button pusher.gif


I Loved reading this! Very talented writer! :-)

Thanks Clove! This game is starting to really grow on me. I can see myself just dedicating a whole post series just to making lore. Players suggest a card and I make a whole backstory on it.
I think my talent is just a good imagination but it still makes me smile hearing you enjoy it.

I fell asleep finally in the wee hours of the morning and was dreaming about that little boy Baron and the flying Phoenix, lol! Loved reading it, it's great!

Making my face hurt from this stupid smile. I am going to make this a series now!!

This was the first lore I read since the contest from @aggroed started. It looks to me as a good candidate.

I´m only wondering where is my luck at, I´ve seen too much people packing legendarys...

They had to do a lot of packs, i've opened 100 plus. And got two legendaries.

100? that might explain some of my luck... :D
I guess, slowly but surely, I'll work towards that beautiful things.

Damn man thats awesome stuff! Really feels like something from a combination of WOW/DND! I feel like you could definitely be a Steemit Monster free lancer lol! I'll have to buy a pack soon.

You haven't yet? Colored me shocked lol. And I would be down to doing this full time.

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