Introducing Splinterlands Translations: Korean and Chinese!

This has been a project long in the works and we're so pleased to announce that translations have rolled out on the site! Korean and Chinese players will be happy to see their native language now available at!

Project Need: Crypto Hounds and Intense Gamers

When deciding what to do next we often ask ourselves "where's the traction?" In this case we need communities that love gaming and love crypto. So far the Chinese and Korean communities have really established themselves in both those regards. These were obvious first choices for languages.

Project Scope: 15,000+ words, more languages

The development project to allow multi-language support on the website, lead by @stoodkev, was no easy feat. Literally every single part of the entire site needed to be updated to replace the text with the translation functions. In all there are over 15,000 words sprawled across popups, drop downs, pages, info boxes and more.

@dakeshi took the lead on the Korean translation and @mimiruby took the lead on the Chinese translation.

Many thanks to them for getting this baby prepped for launch!


Now that the initial framework for languages are done it's a lot easier to support adding other languages. We still have to translate 15,000+ words, but the programming is there. Once the translations are done we can push a button and enable more languages.

Russian, Italian, German, Spanish, Dutch, Portuguese, French, and Japanese are potential future additions, depending on cost and market size.

How to: Change the language


thank you for the Korean community and @joeypark(korean proofreader) to make more improved translation.

You're welcome, @dakeshi. hope many Koreans play Splinterlands!

@steemmonsters this is a great initiative, but I have to ask this - why you didn't mention Polish when speaking about potential future additional languages? I know it is not very popular, but we have three players in the very top every season, we are also doing very well in the tournaments, there are also some other Polish accents out there, doesn't it make us deserve for the translation? :) Of course, our community will be more than glad to help with the translation if needed ;)

Gran actualización, seria genial tener una traducción al español.

Otra cosa, en el futuro tienen pensado tener eventos en el juego sobre un tema en especifico (Ejemplo: Día de San Valentín, Halloween, Navidad)?, eso seria genial y que cada evento tenga una nueva edición de cartas, las cuales se puedan comprar con DEC o también ganarse por realizar varias misiones relacionadas con el evento.

Tienen pensado tenerlo en el futuro?

Great update, it would be great to have a Spanish translation.

Another thing, in the future you plan to have events in the game on a specific theme (Example: Valentine's Day, Halloween, Christmas)?, that would be great and each event would have a new card editions, which can be purchased with DEC or also earned by completing various missions related to the event.

Do you plan to have it in the future?

If you need an Italian Translation, I am here.
You can contact me on discord: sciack#1896

Nice addition, not that I personally speak anything but English

My proposition about the slightly tunning the language bar,
it's more comfortable to others to know what a these languages all about - what the countries they are:

I have already translated some projects in Italian for utopian, if you need help I will be happy to help you;)
You can contact me on discord: jacksartori#9321

Maybe there are community's that will do it for some spt or packs or orbs? 😉 @soyrosa does Dutch translations. Maybe I will begin translate these posts to get more attention. But I already do much. 🙈

Posted using Partiko Android

I also do Dutch translations, but I'm not sure if Splinterlands needs it... I mean, as far as I know, almost all Dutch people know English well enough to feel comfortable in & around Splinterlands.

Children may not know English, but I'm not sure if this is a game you would trust entirely to your child (it's something with monetary value that exceeds the tresholds most would set.)

Very nice, man!!

I think when this game is ready for mobile phones, it will attract a lots of people!!!

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