[STEEM-BOUNTY] My First SteemMonsters Battle Under the New Rules (Mana Cap 17)

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

SteemMonsters - Watch the replay from my first battle of the day under the new mana 17 rule. @steem-bounty set: comment and earn!

SteemMonster Tournaments: Changed Rules

Last night, the rules of the SteemMonster tournaments changed. Before, you were allowed to build a team of monsters with up to 20 mana in total. When I opened my SteemMonsters account this morning the mana cap was reduced to 17.

Less total mana means fewer Steemmonsters in a team.

As a result, I had to say goodbye to my favorite team, and had to analyze my card collection once again. Which monsters could be leveled up? Which monsters had useful abilities? And which cards couldn't be played because their mana level was too high?


Another Fun Factor

All the strategies I had been trying out before, were wiped off the table with this new mana cap. I had to start thinking from a whole other point of view.

Which is good actually, because as long as the mana cap was set to 20, I kept going back to the same semi-successful team over and over again.

Now the rules have changed, I simply need to dive in and start analyzing again. I consider it to be a good way to learn the game.

And isn't that fortunate, because I still got a whole lot to learn. I just don't have a very strategic mindset, and I have trouble remembering all the rules and exceptions.

Still, although I don't even understand half of what I'm doing, I had never expected that the tournaments would be so much fun. Fun... and addictive, lol.

But it seems I'm learning, slowly but surely.

In the video above, you can watch a replay of my first SteemMonsters battle with the new mana cap.

Want To Join In On The Fun? Grab Your SteemMonsters Starter Pack Here



What Do You Think Of The SteemMonsters Tournaments Now They've Finally Started?

Do You Think Their Fun? Maybe You Don't Like The Gameplay?

Let me now and explain why you feel this way in the comments section below, and you might be rewarded with a share of the @steem-bounty!

Extra Bounty Rewards for useful advice about my team choice in the battle you can watch above!

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i have been trying to for 9 hours to play a game but every time it says there are no opponents. Are you playing with leveled up cards now @simplymike. i'm stil trying to play at level 1 but haven't been able to get an opponent all day. 😢

I was playing level 3 and 4, but today I leveled down to 1, since I really need go learn the basics first. So many rules and exceptions... I wonder how long it is going to take before I can get all of that in my brain.

To be able to level down back to 1, I spent two days sending cards from one account to another, and then other cards to a third account. That was quite a job, so I haven't been able to play a lot. Maybe like 15 games or so today. Always found an opponent, though...

so I haven't been able to play a lot. Maybe like 15 games or so today.

Ha, ha, ha. That would be a lot for me. I haven't played more than 9 in one day so far.

We are looking after the grandchildren a lot at the moment plus we've got a lot of admin type stuff to do for a financial advisor so I'm really short of time for anything extra.

I'm still playing at level 1. I can't handle all the options there yet and may never move off that level at this rate. 😢

See it positive. No one dare to fight against you.

Ha, ha, ha. That's brilliant @minimining.

I discovered what the problem was. I ws trying to play in pratice mode and everyone else is playing to be ranked! 😂

Welcome - Let´s fight !

I wish the game had a more (or any) breakdown on the characters skills and what they do. I’m really not impressed with what I’ve seen so far.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I've never played this kind of game, so I can't compare. I have a hard enough time to understand the basics of the gameplay. So many rules and exceptions, so many things to memorize...

I am not doing well at all. I actually won a few rounds yesterday. Today with the lower cap was a flop for me.
You are right about one thing it is very addictive infeed.

Did you level up your cards, @headchange? Or are you playing with level 1 cards only?
I began the games with leveled up cards, but now I'm playing at level 1, so I can learn how the game works, and which ability does what etc.

Some are leveled up a bit. nothing over a 3 mostly 1s and a few 2s
I think I am figuring it out. My red team seems to top out at around 100-130 as it is now.
Since the cap went back up I can at least win a few rounds now.

Thanks to the new rules I managed to get to 1k+ Trophies.

I think I will wait at the end of the month, until I play battles again, because I would really love to get 2 packs instead of 1 :D

I don't really have any advice for you, I was using
Alric is Summoner
Spineback Turtle as Tank
and 2 supports were
Magi Sphinx

Got me 7 wins in a row, straight into 1k+

yada yada yada I was one of your victims haha good job!!!

  • Hey, you can go ahead an play. It's not where you end up, it's the highest level you achieve anytime during the contest... That's what they've said on discord several times...

Oh ok, Thanks for letting me know :D

Btw I am not @tanko xD

Sounds you know how to play the game... :0)

I like the game. As someone who never played these type of games before I must say its addictive. There is so much to take into consideration when picking a team. Summoner level ..... Monster level ... positioning ... splinters ect. It may take me 10 years to grasp it all.

  • I wish I could give you some advice about your team but I am afraid it would be like the blind leading the blind if I did.

I feel exactly the same, @rentmoney. Maybe we should agree on playing each other in a top level game 10 years from now :0)

Nice to see the figt. It was similar card but also a fight between offensiv or defensiv cards.
You had your flesh gollom as a tank - and won.
But your oppenent also have that tank AND a strong goldcard behind that.
You were more offensiv in choose of cards and won this time BUT if you gollom had died early I think you hade nothing behind.
If you had to play against black - maybe that gollom die quicker.

I'm testing out all different kinds of teams, since I don't have a clue what I'm doing yet.
Earlier today I started playing at level 1 again, because I really need go learn almost everything.
But I did learn a couple of new things today. I just have a long way to go :0)

Fortunately, I was able to just drop one of my cards and continue using the same team. I still need a lot of practice figuring out how things work. I didn't do enough research ahead of time to understand which cards would be useful and which cards to level. I thought I could just level as I went. I was wrong. At least thus far. Ha ha.

Same here. Leveled up what I could before I started to play. Dave advised me to start playing at level 1 to get to know the game. That was a smart decision. Still, I have a lot of studying left...

They advised me the same, but once you get enough points, you go against higher opponents anyways. It doesn't matter what level your cards are. Supposedly that's going to be different once tournaments start, but for now that's how it is. I'm at around 250 points and I've been getting matched with players who have over 1,000 points. I get destroyed and then rage quit for a few hours. Ha ha.

I agree it's kind of frustrating. Still I got to +500 with my level one cards, while it seems my level 3 and 4 cards can't bring me over 850.
No matter how cood you are at the game, luck is still a very important factor. I've beaten level 5 teams with my level 1 teams, but I also lost to level 1 teams with my level 3/4 teams. For now, it just depends on who you are matched with.
I do hope that changes when the real tournaments start

Steemmonsters is totally fun and very addictive. I've had to curb my need to keep on playing :) With more awesome updates on the way, this is going to be one of the most awesome games in the cryptosphere, just needs the right marketing push and will really help in steem reaching the masses too. Fingers crossed...

I think you're absolutely right : this is something that may attract a lot of outsiders, if the marketing is done right

Maaan haha I played like 5 hours straigt yesterday at work :D Just made DTube gameplay of my fisrst game and then continued thru the whole day ahhah :D not productive at all. And I just realized the mana cap changes daily! What a cool rule. I kina thought it'll be fixed and game wll become "stagnant" and boring as the best teams will be found. Enjoy the game!

Thanks! It's indeed a cool feature that the mana cap changes daily, but for a beginner like me, that's pretty fast. I'm still trying and testing all features, hoping to learn how it all works. And when I have finally assembled a good team, I can start all over again, lol

Very similar deck, but you were "doomed" to win as he had no range damage and even had a "useless" monster on the second line!

Btw, one question, is that your favourite deck? (I mean, white is your way to go?)

I'm trying out all kind of different teams.
Meanwhile, I leveled down to level 1 to learn the basics properly.

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