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RE: Welcome to the Novice Cuddles Steemmonsters Tournaments series (100 STEEM+ pool, free to enter)

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

If I'm allowed to be honest: personally I think the first edition of these novice tournament was a joke.

The tournament was announced to be set up for those people who couldn't afford to buy there way up.

Inspite of that, all big accounts jumped in.

I plead guilty: after seeing all the big names in the list, I decided to sign up too. My main motive for that was to try to make sure the people who were supposed to be benefiting from this tourney would actually benefit.

With all the big players playing, the smaller accounts wouln't get a single chance. I decided that if I would win a prize, it would be distributed to the people who need it the most.

Unfortunately, I lost in the first round. So once again a lot of false expectations had been created. There was no way someone with a lower deck and less experience could ever catch a prize.

Personally, I think it is a shame that social ethics don't seem to exist when money is involved.

This was yet another great promo stunt, but -please correct me if I'm wrong - as always, it was beneficial for the richer. They have complete decks and loads of experience. That's just not a fair match against real novices...

Once again, the real novices see an opportunity to grow their account taken away from them. Another disappointment.

We really need to give them REAL chances into real 'novice only' tournaments, or we'll lose them in the long run.

When I look at the subscriptions for the next novice tournments, the same names pop up in the lists over and over again. And ghose names are not the ones of the people who can't afford to buy cards to build their decks.

The fact that my level 6 alt account received a personal invitation to join the tournaments through DM on Discord is a symbol of everything that is wrong with this setup.

How on earth can players with incomplete level 1 decks and level 1 experience ever win from all the Diamond league players. An argument could be that all cards are capped at level 1, but be honest, that's a joke.
Many people who have just started can't even afford the epics, let alone the legendaries. It's simply not a fair competition.


Totally agree with you. Beginners should have more opportunities to participate in these types of tournaments. On the other hand, @rentmoney is right to say that your information is not correct.

The description clearly says:

Of course we won't review your collection, so everyone is free to participate, but our hope is to help take some small players up into higher leagues.

We have decided to ban legendary cards in the next tournaments to try to make everything a little more fair without restricting participation to any player. We hope that this way everyone can have even more fun!

Great that you are launching these tournaments!

Could it be a solution maybe to not allow any players which finished last season in any league higher than 'Silver'?

Hello @kobold-djawa, thanks for your kind comment and sharing your suggestions. We have never wanted to restrict participation to any player. We are very happy to have taken the decision to ban the legendary cards and I think that with this new rule the tournaments are much more balanced to give the opportunity to win the real beginners. We would like everyone to be able to participate and have a good time.

You are spreading incorrect information. From my understanding of this announcement post the game is open to everyone but is set at the novice league level so those with smaller leveled cards have a chance at winning some funds. The host even says in the comment section here, that I am sure you read before creating this response, that the game is for everyone.

Higher level cards have no advantage. Those who play with higher level summoners do not have an advantage vs those who more often play with lower level ones in a novice league game. If anything the person who is more custom to playing at the lower levels would have the advantage. It seems to me you are upset about something that you thought was one thing (A tournament just for newbies) but was something else (A tournament for everyone played in the novice league that gave newbies/novice players a chance to win some funds).

I would like to thank the host for putting on this game as I know it can be time consuming setting up and hosting such a series of tournaments.

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