Steem Monsters Rare Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 2 - Alric Stormbringer

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Second rare card! I must admit, inspiration was missed trying to write this story! But still managed to finish it.

Flavour text:

The power of the storm flows within me; dare to cross our borders with evil intentions, and you will find the true meaning of Stormbringer.

The blazing storm

I stood and watched as the boat approached the small island I called home for the last years. Every month, they came to deliver some of the supplies I couldn't gather here, and bring news from the mainland. Old fool, as the captain used to call me in, a mocking tone.

At 50 years, I could hardly be called an old man! The snow white hair showed up a long time ago, when magic started flowing through my veins, and thunder and lightning became my new companions. At that time, I was still a child, one among dozens in the orphanage. Yet, I still remember the look in the monk's faces after they saw the centenary oak that stood in the middle of the courtyard ripped in half by the lightning, one of the many that fell that night. It was the hugest storm I had ever seen, and I remember standing alone outside, looking mesmerized at the dark clouds gathering, as heavy rain started to pour and the roaring thunders were already heard, miles away. Little did I knew that that storm was my doing.

The arch-summoner appeared the next day, and took me with him. Not many of us exist, magic is in your blood, he told me; and from that day, he taught me the way of the summoners. I learned to tame the lightnings, to shift the weather; even ways to call the ancient creatures that roamed the Azmare islands, creatures that until that point never knew existed! Strange women with snakes instead of hair, that could stun an opponent and leave it at their mercy; giants cold as ice, but tough as steel, that could tear down a whole army. Even huge turtles, whose shell was covered with razorblade spines!

And for years, I perfected those arts. Day and night, becoming one with nature's forces, ready to guard Azmare if needed be. But as my master passed away, so did the memory of ancient dangers. And for the reigning High Council of Azmare, Summoners were a thing of the past, and our presence was no longer wanted nor desired. That's why I chose this island, away from the city.

As the boat came ashore, I knew the visions I had during the past days had some truth. The captain was pale as he approached me.

Alric... he started … you have to come with me!

Me? An old fool?, I frowned. What happened?

The High Council... Hobgoblins assassins... almost none escaped.

Hobgoblins? A long time ago since I heard that name. Swift assassins, that knew no allegiance, joining whoever pays them or fits their current needs... but had never heard of one venturing here.

I'm sorry to hear it... but why is my presence needed? I have no part in the Council, nor in the fate of it.

One of them was stunned by the medusa guards, and we were able to question him. And if what he says is true... they're coming! All their army!

I couldn't stay here anymore. Whatever quarrels the Council had with the Summoners... if what I had heard was true, Azmare Islands needed me more than ever.

A few hours, we reached the city. It was different than I remembered, bigger, dirtier, more crowded. The guard captain was already waiting for me in the dock, and lead me to the palace while explaining the details of the attack.

Arriving to the palace, I immediatly saw the look of disdain on two of the only three survivors, from the fourteen that only yesterday stood in the room. I knew I wasn't welcome there, but my heart was telling me that that's where I needed to be. And soon enough, that feeling was proven true. The only survivor that welcomed me, Alek, one of the princes, spoke.

Alric, I know that our captain already told you all there is to know about the attack. But there is more. We received the information of a similar attept in the other main city, and only the Gods know if any more have happened... this is just the beggining of something bigger.

What do you mean by that?, I asked.

We have been hearing rumo...

The words froze in his mouth as the giant horn sounded.

Everyone knew that sound. Twice a year, it was heard, in the solstices. It wasn't the case now. And that would mean only one thing: danger, imminent danger.

Seconds later a messenger appeared, rushing through the stairs, pale as ice.

Sir, a massive fleet approaching... dark flags they carry... more than we could count.

Alek and I looked at each other. The city defenses were hardly a match for a fleet that big.

Only one possibility remained.

Summon all the defenses you have, I told him. I'll do my best.

I left the room.

The palace remained unchanged; I climbed the stairs to the upper part, where in one of the towers a small deck provided a view to the bay.

And there they were.

Tiny spots in the sea, but growing bigger and multiplying each second. The informations were true, something had been set in motion, and we didn't knew what it was. But for now, we had to stay alive. And gathering all the strenght I had, I raised my arm, and started to connect with the Island. A faint sensation, at first. Magic flows better surrounded by nature. But as seconds passed, the flow of the sea, the rush of the wind, the clouds... all that I could feel.

When my eyes opened again, the sky was grey. Dark clouds gathered, and a few minutes later, not an inch of sky could be seen. And as the first thunder was heard, still afar... the rain started to fall, and the storm had arrived.

I saw the sea came alive; huge waves crashing against the upcoming fleet. The roaring sound of thunders was followed by bolts of pure energy, lighting up the sky and falling mercilessly among the ships that the waves couldn't turn.
And although I couldn't see it, I could feel it. The creatures of the sea were there. Sabre sharks and turtles rushed to the ones that fell to the water, as water elementals materialized in the waves, spreading havoc in the ships that were still resisting the waves and the lightnings.

In an hour, the tide of events had changed. A few of the attacking ships had been able to turn back, but most met the depths of the Azmare seas, together with their crew. I felt exhausted, but happy. The city wouldn't fall on that day.

Eyes of gratitude and partial disbelief could be seen, as I descended to the main room again. From that day, I knew the days of quietude in the small island were over. Azmare Island needed the Summoners again.

And we would be there for the battle.


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I enjoyed how you employed the use of the summoner power of magic.

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