Splinterlands Fantasy Story and Music Contest // Week 11 - A shadow from the Past

in #steemmonsters5 years ago

Time for another side story; here goes my entry for this week's contest!

A Shadow from the Past

"Tell us again the dragon story, Joran!"

The archers were sharing the warmth of the small fire, relaxing after a hunting day. But no camp fire was complete without a story, and the eldest of the Highland Archers was the favourite storyteller of the group.

Joran smiled. He had told that story over and over again, but the youngsters never seemed to grow tired of it.

"Well, I'm sure you already know it by heart, but if you insist..."

After the Great Battles, the Highland Archers chose to abandon the forests of Anumun, and settled in these mountains. There was enough green, enough game, and enough space for us here. The khymians left us alone, and for years, our clan thrived in peace.

Back then, I was a small child, shooting my first arrows against the large oaks. And if you don't mind me saying, I became a darn good shooter pretty quickly! The centaur taught our ancestors well, and my father was one of the best bowman in the clan. But back to the story...

I still remember the look on the faces of our comrades when the first warnings appeared. They came back from the usual hunt, but instead of joy, their faces were tense. My father rushed me home, while the grownups gathered, but I was able to hear the rumblings about warnings and threats, written on the trees.

The elders forbidden anyone apart from the hunters to venture to the woods the following days, but me and a few of the others kids just sneaked anyway a couple days later; it was summer and the little river south of our village was perfect for a quick swim. But before we got to the river... there they were.

In a large large tree, carved deeply in the wood and high above the ground, someone had written the words that gave me nightmares the following days:

You'll pay for your sins, archers. Your end is near.

Needless to say, we ran back to the village as fast as we could. And although the nightmares came, nothing worse happened. Lookouts had been placed in the village after the carvings were discovered, the hunting parties were fewer but with more men, and more heavily armored... and as days passed by, things seemed to go back to normal.

Until one of the hunting parties failed to return to the village.

Six archers had left in that morning. None had returned.

It was uncommon for a group not to return the same day, but it had happened in the past; if the hunt led them further away than usual, the archers would camp in the forest and come back the following day, normally carrying a big deer or a wild boar.

So, despite the more tense atmosphere, everyone waited for the next morning.

But no archer appeared.

Large search parties were organized the following days, but it was like they had simply vanished.

And exactly one week later, we had our answer.

I remember that afternoon so clearly. The storm had came the day before, those summer rains that come and go quicky, but fall down hard. And when dusk was getting nearer, a massive thunderstorm started.

But somehow, it wasn't like the normal thunderstorms. No one could explain it, but a feeling of unease settled as soon as the thunders started. And as the minutes passed, the intensity of the thunders grew; and when the storm seemed to reach the maximum strength... he appeared.

Me and the other kids were playing in the rain, when the horn sounded. And the horn never sounded.

We followed the grownups who rushed to the entrance of our village, grabing their bows and knifes. And just outside the forest limit, a couple hundred meters from the first row of houses, a massive shadow was standing, a huge axe hanging from his right hand. And suddenly, he raised his arms to the sky, lashing out a porwerfull scream, and a lighting struck the axe, shedding some light on the figure.

It looked like a minotaur. But incredibly bigger and larger.

I remember my father and the others were dazzled. Our clan and the minotaurs had always been in peace, and never a minotaur had been seen outside Anumun.

The beast started to walk, slowly but steadily, in the village's direccion. And as he got nearer, a thundering voice was heard.

"No one leaves Anumun. You're not worthy to live!"

The archers had their bows ready, but our elder still tried to avoid conflict.

"Leave us alone and go back to your homeland. No harm will be done!"

But the creatured just mocked. An evil laugh followed our elder's words.

"Harm me? You pathethic fool! Your time has come!"

And as he continued to advance... the shooting order was given.

The first row of archers loosened their bows, as a rain of arrows flew in the beast's direction. But as the arrows found their target, something unexpected happened... the minotaur was barely injured, but all of the shooters fell to the ground in pain, as themselves had been pierced by the arrows they fired!

Panic started to settle. What kind of magic was this?? The sheer size of the beast alone was enough to frighten even the strongest of the clan, no one would survive a hand to hand combat... but if our arrows were of no use, what could we do?

The minotaur stopped its march all of a sudden, as he scouted the horizon above our heads. And another one of his battlecries sounded, as thunders echoed all around.

He saw it before we noticed it. But seconds later, a massive shadow came from the skies, and as quicky as it appeared, it landed next to our clan.

I had never seen a dragon before.

Well, I think none of us had.

And on top of the dragon, the most beautiful woman I had ever seen. Selenia was her name, I found out later.

She probably saw the terror in our eyes, as she turned her head to us and spoke in a soft voice.

"I mean you no harm."

And keeping the same tone in her voice, she turned to the beast.

"You have no business here, Warlord. Leave. Now."

He was close enough for us to see his expression, despite the low light. His face was pure rage.

"How dare you interfere?? How dare you!!!!!"

Selenia's voice remained unchanged.

"You've caused enough harm already. You know what I can do. You will return to Anumun... one way or the other."

And turning to the archers, she raised her hand, speaking in an unknown language. And the bows of every men started to glow.

"Ready your arrows.", she said.

The minotaur gave one more step. But no more. Looking again to Selenia, and to the archers, he understood. He would not survive.

He raised his arms to the sky, and the thunders sounded even louder, as he screamed once again. And as the scream stopped, so did the thunders. With a might blow, he buried his axe in the ground, and turning his back on the village, left without saying a word, disappearing in the forest.

Selenia turned to us.

"I'm sorry for your lost comrades. You faced Uhygn, a Minotaur Warlord. Magic flows in his blood... unfortunately rage does too, and his heart is darkened by the evil that is spreading throughout the land. Maybe there is still hope for him... but nevertheless, he will cause you no harm again. I'll make sure of it. Farewell, archers... we will meet again."

And as suddenly as she appeared, she vanished in the skies.

Life returned to normal the following weeks, as we mourned our falled comrades, and moved on with our lives... and that's how the story ends.

The men cheered and applauded; and as the cheering stopped, one of the youngest archers asked:

"And how about the dragon rider? Have you seen her since?"

Joran smiled.

"I did... but that's another story."


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Hi pardinus,

This post has been upvoted by the Curie community curation project and associated vote trail as exceptional content (human curated and reviewed). Have a great day :)

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The day just got better! Thank you @curie!

Posted using Partiko Android

But the youngsters were never tired of hearing that story. You story reminded me of my nieces who are never tired of the same story. The piece you wrote made me feel am reading one of those stories with picture book , totally imaginable. Congrats on your curie :)

Thank you so much for the feedback, it's great to see people are enjoying the stories!

Posted using Partiko Android

A wonderful and fanciful story full of mythology and action. When I was young I loved this kind of story and I guess I still do, Game of Thrones fan here. There seems more to tell with this one. Keep going:)

Thank you for your feedback! Game of Thrones fan too, and Lord of The Rings, and basically anything that involves some kind of fantasy world! :)

I want to know the other story !! * Patiently waiting for the next *

Thank you! I'll sure try to keep them coming! 😉

Posted using Partiko Android

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