Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 8 | Rexxie

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Survival of the fittest is the law. It is to eat or to be eaten kind of world.

A world hot and humid with primordial gas filling the air, of giant coniferous trees and large dinosaurs walking the land. You can feel the ground shaking as they make their way through life. You can hear their ear-shattering roars as predator and prey battle it out. Survival of the fittest as the weak and the old are weeded out.

I watch under a bush as an Edmontosaurus scream its guttural cries as the King of the Lizards, a Tyrannosaurus Rex roars and poise to attack. The T-Rex ran and with one bite crushed the throat of its prey and began to feed.

My mouth waters with all that meat, blood and guts it was feasting on. Such is the life of a king.


I was still in awe of the king when I went home to my clutch. I saw my brothers and sisters running around, biting and nipping at each other, playing a mock hunt of taking down one another. Unlike the king we needed each other to take down prey for we were smaller than other dinosaurs.

I have often wondered when the Spirit of the Forest walked our lands eons ago what made him stop the growth of our ancestors. A line became the kings and we became the pygmies, Rexxies. Small kings.

Small in stature but our bite was deadly like our larger counterparts. We made up with speed what we lacked in size. We hunted in groups, hamstringing larger preys and favoring bite and run tactics as we slowly weaken them until they could not run anymore and when the best in us would give the final bite and it's lifeblood flowed into its mouth, giving strength for another day.

Such is our life and I dream of becoming a T-Rex someday and let the lost world tremble to hear me roar.


I awoke to a chill in the night. I could hear muffled groans and a stink that made me want to throw up my last meal. In the night sky I could see a green light flare up from time to time. I saw giant spiders cast webs to big and small dinosaurs alike, I see these black, spiny-backed creatures bite at the limbs of those attempting to escape.

I see these two-legged creatures, wearing bones and purple and red skin, enveloping their bodies raise sticks and that green light bathing the dinosaurs trapped.

They were brown, black, green with touches of red and blue in color. A myriad of different hues, predator and prey alike trapped and slowly fading into a greyish color as the green light continue to bath them.

My tiny heart leaped when from a high point the King of the Lizards let lose a roar that boosted my morale. This here was the strongest and only the strong survives.

It ran and with bites and tail swipes it began to mow down the spiders and those spiny mammals. Most mammals would have run away when they heard the King's roar but you can see in their red glowing eyes a hunger. Those were not the eyes of prey and they rushed toward the T-Rex and surrounded it.

It swiped with its tail and tore them in half with its massive jaws. Yet wave after wave of these foul beasts continued to bite and dodge. The King was wounded in several places, bloodied and torn, its swipes becoming slower, its bites without much force in it. It was losing a lot of blood and the poison of the spiders was finally taking effect.

Then the biggest mammal rushed and tore off a side of the King's leg like what I would do to those slow large prey. The King was down and was barely moving. One of the two-legs moved near it and started to chant things I did not understand but know it was bad.

I could hear the labored breathing of the King, I saw its rib cage slowly move up and down. Then it stopped, it color began to fade, its eyes hold no more of its ferocity becomes dull. The King was dead!!

I saw the black mass swallow our lost world in an instant. Strong or weak, young or old all became a feast for the undead. Their life essence being sapped and their meat consumed by the ravenous mammals.


I look at the clutch of brothers and sisters that I was able to save. We of fleet foot and of quick wit were always able to stay one step away from the undead. Yet we are no prey. If we see any stragglers or a mammal away from their pack we are quick to pounce and rip its throat just like they ripped the throat of the King.

Stripped of life and color the undead moved on to find new lands to drain. The lost world was truly lost now. It was no longer our home.

Then one night I could hear a voice softly speaking. I opened my eyes to see the Spirit of the Forest before me. It touched my snout and I saw in its eyes sadness over the loss of life here. It's hand was warm and comforting and for the first time I let out a mournful cry.

It was just there holding me till the sun shined on the desolation of our land.


The time for mourning was over. The Spirit of the Forest shook its leaves and conveyed to us its anger. The undead will be stopped. There will be no more tragedies like this. We will unite all the creatures of the land.

The goblins, the minotaurs, the orcs, the men and elves with their magical golems. We will destroy evil and avenge our slain.

The Spirit of the Forest bid me and my clutch to move south and follow the black spiny mammals. Harass them, bite them, and ground their bones on our massive teeth. We will hunt each one until I see the biggest of them all and rip its throat out.

The Wild Hunt commence, for we the Rexxies are small but terrible predators.


Flavor Text

Small but terrible, when you see a flash of green and a glint of its teeth know that your throat has already been ripped.

Watch as the lifeblood flow and wish in your next lifetime that you are a predator not a prey.

This is my entry to the Steem Monster's contest Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 8

This week's monster is the Rexxie which is almost a mascot for Steem Monsters. I hope that you liked my story.


good day am just going to ask. am tying to start a "spinn off" crypto empire. called the @darklands its inspired by it but not the same super nice if u will give it a read. or
voluntary try it when a starting it. in a few weeks a hope. its not the quality as the cryptoempire but its a start on and ide of mine.

Ohhh looks interesting to do and will be a hard but fulfilling project for you to do.

Good luck on it

TY. oo yes super hard. but maby a can. :)

Super nice read, I got caught up in the first few lines. I am really liking these steemmonster stories from everyone.

YEah I live what Steem Monsters is doing as well. Giving people a way into buying Steem and enjoy a game, its lore and possibility of some rares!

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