Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! | Spine Back Turtle

Life is a circle of birth and death.

This was the idea going through my head as I followed the Matriarch, the oldest of the Spineback turtles back to the nesting grounds.

Each year we made the treck following the Gulf stream to the warm sands of the tropics were we broke from our shells and first gasped air.

To that sandy beach where we first took our tentative steps as baby Spineback turtles with hardly any protective covering and easy prey for our predators.

As we first swam in the water and marvel at the speed we possessed. Awkward and unbalanced on land but graceful and beautiful in the water.

I remember the challenges of surviving as a young Spineback Turtle in the wild. Being hunted by both man and creatures for our meat and shells.

As the years went on my shell became harder. my spikes longer and sharper.


I have become the Shield of the Spinebacks. The Defender of the Bale. My defense was absolute and when I do my deathroll of spikes, cutting away predators and making them rue the day they attacked my bale.

Sabersharks steered clear of me as they let my bale past through their waters. I spy a mischievous mermaid frolicking with some of the younger Spineback turtles, racing against each.

Ah such is the joy of youth!

We finally arrive in the spawning grounds and the females go up the shore under watchful eyes of the Matriarch. Each one goes to a spot to dig a hole upon which to deposit their eggs. Eggs that would form the next generation.

I see my partner of many years plop down and shovel the sand with her fins, digging deep to safeguard the offspring that we have created. I could not help but have a protective feeling towards her as she lays her eggs.

From the corner of my eye, I see a blur of a shadow, then flying swiftly it lands in the beach in front of the Matriarch.

Wings as wide as its body, its scales shimmering brightly like a golden sun, its massive jaws holding back red tinge flames.

I was stunned seeing it and then I remember my partner and swan as fast as I can.

I see it rear its head and let loose its fire breathe, roasting both young and old in their shells. I see the matriarch falter but it stood on her large fins and raised her spikes only to be swatted down with a massive claw.

Those on the beach was rushing to get back to the water and I was the only one moving against them. The progress was slow as each one jostled for space to escape.

Finally I emerge and see it eating some of the turtles. The stink of charred flesh and shell permeated the air.

I do not know if it was the smoke or my emotion of loss that prompted the tears to fall down. Yet the feeling of anger was welling up as I braced myself and launched my shell, spinning in a death roll of spikes.

It looked at my direction and with a flick of its massive tail, swatted me away like I was nothing. It cracked my shell, the spikes on my back broken and yet I tried to stand.

I see it open it maw and crack open the shell of the Matriarch, gorging itself on the cooked meat and innards.

I could hardly walk but I brace myself again and launch myself and it did not even look at me this time.

I hit it and felt more of my spikes break against the scales of this monster. I lay there by its feet, broken...

Seemingly satisfied it spread its wings and took flight, leaving the desolation behind. I survey the death all around me. Bodies of my Bale cover the beach, the eggs of our generation crushed. I see my partner, covering a clutch of eggs, her burnt body shielding it.

I see some of the survivors swim to the shore to survey the damage done. It is a time of grief, a time to cry for the dead.

Yet it is also a time to celebrate that a generation was saved. We will rebuild, we will repopulate and become strong again.

Just like my shell will shed and mend again. My spikes will grow and become sharp again. We will stand again.

Then we will go to war against the winged ones. They will know our fury. They will know our pain as we strike them down.

We have an eternity to wait.

This is my entry for the Spineback Turtle Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 17 // 10 Booster Pack Prize!


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