Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! | Goblin Sorcerer

Gegrakz was your typical Goblin Sorcerer apprentice. He likes taking long naps, pilfering food from the kitchen, ogling the females and getting into mischiefs.

His teachers could only shake their heads whenever they hear his latest shenanigans and be disappointed.

Gegrakz showed so much promise when he was young as he could cast elemental magic at such a young age but teaching him was another matter. He was stubborn and lazy. He was only here because of his matriarch who was respected in the tribe. Otherwise, the teachers would have kicked him out a long time ago.

One such teacher was the object of a prank that Gegrakz was attempting to do. It involved tar, a bucket of chicken feathers and the honeypot bait. This particular teacher apparently thinks that all females want him and turned his unwanted attention on a particular young apprentice.

This one approached Gegrakz and asked for his help and with glee in his eyes he said he would help her.


A plan was made, a "lovers" meeting scheduled and the necessary preparations made.

The young apprentice sat down under a tree and the teacher bringing a flask of wine and offered her a drink. She knew it was drugged and had taken a panacea beforehand to mitigate its effect. The teacher tried to grab and paw her while she acted dizzy while Gegrakz stealthily climbed a nearby tree.

He began to chant and cast a paralyze spell on the teacher. Then smiling he began smearing tar all over the teacher and then dumped the bucket of feathers. He could clearly see the rage of the teacher in his eyes and finally attached a beak like object to his face, snapping it into place before the spell wore off.

Then he started to run!! Running and laughing as the teacher ran after him. The young woman cast a silence spell and took the flask of wine with her.

Down towards the village they ran while Gegrakz was shouting for help. "I am being attacked by a monster!" he said and the villagers ran and hid because all they could see were the feathers and the blood red eyes filled with rage.

Some of the teachers heard this and blasted the "bird monster" with several fireballs and lighting spells. The "monster" fell down, unconscious and as one of the teachers lifted the beak saw that it was one of them.

"Get Gegrakz" the teacher said

The lascivious teacher, suffering several burns and a bruised pride called for the expulsion of Gegrakz. He assaulted a teacher and no matter the influence of Gegrakz's matriarch this was a serious matter.

Gegrakz spoke and said he is willing to take the punishment but it was only done so that they can get the flask of wine as evidence of what the teacher had done to several females. Out comes the female apprentice with several others and they recount what happened to them.

In the end the teacher was shamed and exiled from the tribe! A win for Gegrakz!

Yet it was not as the intention was good but the process was wrong. He still assaulted a teacher and was banished as well.

Yet Gegrakz did not regret this and he saw this as an opportunity to explore the world and get into bigger mischiefs!

That is my take on the Goblin Sorcerer for Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 18 // 10 Booster Pack Prize!

Not really fantasy in its execution but it was mainly inspired by some events that I witnessed lately on sexual harrassment. Often times the victims are afraid to speak out especially if the person is of authority and it would take someone brave to help them or for them to get the courage to confront their abusers.


Hahaha...mischievious Gegrakz. Serves the teacher right too. Sexual harrassment is such a serious issue in our society. Most affected would prefer to suffer in silence as those who have travelled the road before them most often get no justice. I sure wish all cases could be like this story.

I love reading your story. You gave it a delightful twist which i wasn't expecting. I hope i get inspired to put up an entry. Nothing has come to mind for days now.

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