I'll show you my first ten Beta Boosterpacks | Pictures Puzzles | Win a Beta Boosterpack | Win a Alpha-Monster

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

I was just updating my @steemmonsters alpha collection. Suddenly nothing worked anymore! A few minutes later the new site was online and I got the first ten @steemmonsters beta booster pack. And what I discovered there, let me smile! Especially since the Legendary Monster Hydra was included! I absolutely wanted to have this monster!

Ich war gerade dabei meine @steemmonsters Alpha-Sammlung zu aktualisieren. Plötzlich ging nichts mehr! Ein paar Minuten später war die neue Seite online und ich habe mir direkt die ersten zehn @steemmonsters Beta Boosterpack geholt. Und was ich da so aufdeckte, lies mich lächeln! Vor allem, da das Legendary Monster Hydra enthalten war! Dieses Monster wollte ich unbedingt haben!


These monsters I got: | Diese Monster habe ich bekommen:




@onfatindian, @poyim, @ityp and friends of the monsters, look at these beautiful cards! I just can't stop and will start the games puzzle again!

@onfatindian, @poyim, @ityp und Freunde der Monster, schaut Euch diese schönen Karten an! Ich kann es einfach nicht lassen und werde die Spiele Bilderrätsel erneut beginnen!

Raffle | Gewinnspiel

If you find four bugs in the picture below, you will get a beta booster pack as a gift! And let's get started right away! In which city have I photographed this Fountain? If you tell me, I'll give you an Alpha Monster, which I choose with Randomizer!

Wer in dem unteren Bild vier Fehler findet, bekommt ein Beta-Boosterpack als Geschenk! Und legen wir gleich richtig los! In welcher Stadt habe ich diesen Brunnen fotografiert? Wenn du es mir sagst, schenke ich Dir einen Alpha Monster, welchen ich mit Randomizer auswähle!


Always have good luck, success and fun!

content by @jeenger


gibt es jetzt schon 2 stück

jawohl Beta.
werden bestimmt auch viel Wert
danach kommen die normalen de

Genau, es gibt die Alpha Karten, welche bereits ausverkauft sind, bzw. nur noch über den Monstermarkt erworben werden können. Seit ein paar Tagen gibt es nun die Beta Monster!

Found them!!! I want those cards! LOL.


Hi @poyim, I have done something crazy! I didn't let you win and yet you won. LOL. I also sent @randumb and @onfatindian a boosterpack. And I have also rewarded me!

Great work! The mistake in the stone thought I will be difficult!

Here my result!

I now keep my fingers crossed for you when opening the packs!

Have fun all the time!

Hey @jeenger,

I got a rare, a neutral monster and a gold foil animated corpse! Amazing!!


Thanks so much and cheers,

Posted using Partiko Android

You are too kind, my friend. :)
If any one deserves a reward, it is you. You got a nice pack. Congrats on that Gold Foil! I opened my pack and I got an Epic and Rare. Not bad.
Thanks again for the reward!

PS. @ on fat Indian? What is he on? Or what is on him? lol :P

Great job @poyim, I was sooo close I was missing the 1 in the lower left corner.

Oh snap! Ok, you beat me to it - SO FAST!! lol
Congrats, @poyim!

I know right, I had a head start and still didn't get all of them lol

I know right, I had
A head start and still didn't
Get all of them lol

                 - randumb

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

I'm a poet and didn't even know it.

That's how it is with AI. The bots learn and forget nothing! I find that very interesting! I just imagine, we tell each other something, someone reads it and solves a problem with it! One day a messenger comes and brings us joy! LOL. You have already done it. You are a poet!

Thanks! As soon as I saw @Jeenger was back with his usual game and giving away a Beta Pack. I was on it quick this time! Some of the other players are so fast. lol.

There is still an Alpha Card up for grabs...

Hi congratulations @poyim, the pack I send you right away. I just have to get some Steem. It won't take long!

@poyim if you have time please let us know what @jeenger blessed you with after you open the pack lol

Yes, for sure. :)

Thanks! Nice to have you back! :)

Hey @jeenger,

That's so AWESOME!
When I open the pack you sent, I'll be sure to let you all know what I got!!

Yay! Cheers,

I know! I know! I was very excited about the new Beta cards as well. I bought a couple packs too and I am not disappointed... No Legendaries like yourself, but I am very happy to get 2 Epics and 1 Gold Foil. :D

Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 2.15.15 PM.png
Screen Shot 2018-09-18 at 2.16.11 PM.png

Hi @poyim, what you pulled looks beautiful! We have to process many until the 900000 packs are opened!

Thank you again for the beta booster pack. I hope to max out my peaceful giant soon.
Screen Shot 20180918 at 10.58.11 PM.png


Hey @jeenger!

Good to see you back 😃 Hope all is well!

You were right about the autovote. Everytime I saw +jeenger, it was like you did it yourself! lol

I will try and get on this picture puzzle asap!


Hi @onfatindian, I am also happy and everything is good! I did it like my boss and just got help! First they all looked at me with big eyes, then they nodded! I have gained some time, which I give to the community!

It still takes a few more days until I swam back. But then I do jumps with fun through the steem sea.

Have fun all the time!

Sometimes we all need a little help lol

That's great that you're almost done with your big project. Back to swim in the Steemian Seas!!

Nice Hyrda you got there! Cheers

Yes, and with the first booster packs! Cheers

@jeenger, Great to hear about the Hydra and also i can feel your Enthusiasm in your words. And hope that these Steemmonsters will going to make the deck more strong.

And good to hear from you after sometime, so hope and wish that everything is fine. And i am not able to find bugs in the picture, so Good Luck to all.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Hi @chireerocks, I am glad that we found each other again! Yes, everything is fine. And even better. I got support and my project runs without complications. I've already been able to share some experiences with 20 young people! And I noticed that I did a good job last year. My necessary adjustments were minimal and I have already implemented 80%.

This morning I finished most of my delegation. In a few days I will be the same again! And that fits the time. I'll use the time now and implement the 20% for the time being.

Have a lot of fun and success all the time!

Great to hear that everything is going on well and enjoy the time ahead. Stay blessed. 🙂

Hat noch keiner die Stadt oder?
Ich sag mal Düsseldorf! :D

Hello @momekato, Düsseldorf is Right. But @randumb was a bit faster! I will play a game on the weekend. Be there and try your luck! Have a lot of fun all the time!

Ich habe gerade gesehen, dass du auf deutsch geschrieben hast!
Düsseldorf ist Richtig. Aber die Lösung wurde schon genannt! Am Wochenende werde ich die Spiele Bilderrätsel neu starten. Komm dazu, sammle Punkte, gewinne Monster und SP und habe Spaß!

Nice packs .. the new cards look great.

Yes, I was also very positively surprised!

werde auch öfter mitspielen diesmal
wenn ich Zeit habe

Das will ich doch hoffen! LOL. Ja, ich freue mich wenn du dabei bist!

Gruppen kaufen auf Börsen Steem wegen HF20!!!!
Steem geht hoch und sie verkaufen nach Fork!!
Ob es stimmt weiß ich nicht 100%.
Würde aber Sinn ergeben.
Gute Trades :-)

Schaue ich mir an! Danke für die Info.

wenn ich online bin

Ja, das kenne ich zu gut! Früher waren es Netzausfälle, Heute ist es die Zeit!

ja das stimmt.
ist smartsteem eigentlich tot?

ups die antwort gehört wo anders hin

Es gibt auch eine Löschfunktion LOL

und danke für den Artikel EOS!!!

Gerne. Und du kennst dich besser aus als ich! Was meinst dazu?

weil meine letzte auzahlung 6 tage her ist
und auch voll wenig
bei einer reundin das selbe

Schau mal auf der Seite von Smartsteem. Dort wird dein Balance angezeigt.

Ich glaube gelesen zu haben, dass die erst ab einer bestimmte Summe transferieren.

ist smartsteem eigentlich tot?

Nein, wie kommst du darauf?

habe ausversehen wo anders geantwortet

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