Steem Monsters Fantasy Story Contest! - Week 3 | The Great Pit of the Meat Golem

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

Is life possible after death? Is hatred able to get up to fulfill your revenge? The meat golem know it very well, so well, that it hopes to stick its teeth into its enemies


Fuente de Imagen

The Flesh Golem is a Common card whose Element is Earth.

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The Great Pit of the Meat Golem

We are located more than a thousand years ago, before the world stopped being as it is ...

It was enough for a first cry to rip that night in the Village of the Peasants , so that others would realize the evil that was approaching. The band of The Walking Devils had arrived, and they came thirsty for blood, they brought in their hands the head of the first human who cried out.

All the peasants of the village tried to run, they were terrified ... but the slaughterers prevented it, cornered them from all sides.

Many Villagers were beheaded, cutting all their parts into pieces. Whether they were children or women, it did not matter. They all shouted mercy, but "The Walking Devils" did not feel even the slightest resentment, they wanted to enjoy the adrenaline of killing.

It was tears, pain, anguish, desires and hope that were lost along with the thousands of Villagers who work humbly every day to survive.

After that slaughter, the few complete bodies without life plus the others chopped to pieces, were buried in a site that would later be called: "The Great Hole". To later seal it with more and more land . All the fruits and animals of the Villagers were stolen, and the few remaining villages were burned. The few who survived used them as animals, carrying chains with their necks.

The night passed, and The Walking Devils went away...

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The next day Tabet arrived, a Villager who was away while everything happened, he cried desperately when he saw that scenario and when he recognized the brand of those responsible. When he arrived at the Gran Hoyo he knew that the thousands of bodies of all the inhabitants lay inside.

Tabet was an invoker who was learning about that art, and with tears in his eyes he raised his hands and cast a spell on ancient languages:

-"... For that and for much more, Mother Earth, let us take the blood and the dead flesh to take revenge".

The Great Hole began to move as if the earth had life, and from its hole came hands that wanted to crawl out. Many putrefying bodies came out of the earth, taking a breath as if they had been born again. When most stood on their two feet, they were immensely large. They measured 2 meters and a half, some exceeded 3. The body of those Golem was the sum of all the flesh of the dead humans, who came together to form a monster capable of taking revenge for them.


The hatred of these beings was so much that the spell of reanimating the dead took effect. The stench that it gave off was immense and the power, incredible. They could not talk, they just yelled full of hatred and resentment:

-"Revenge ... Meat ..."

Those negative feelings clouded the mind forever of the Golem of Flesh, leaving them alive only to avenge and eat the flesh of their enemy.

The sorcerer surprised and happy at the same time, could notice that his power had come to life. All the Golem of Meat were sent to look for the "Andagious Degolladores" to take Revenge. It did not take much time, because that same day they found them having a party and made them live with all their pain, despair and death.

The Golem of Flesh take pieces of their enemy from their enemy to eat them and thus be able to become stronger.
After having fought a lot and getting rid of all the enemies, they return to their home in the "Great Hole" and open gaps in the ground to bury themselves to sleep while being called by some Summoner.

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They were born when several pieces of human flesh were buried. Grow and strengthen by eating the enemy's flesh. Once they win, they are returned to the hole where they were born and buried to rest.

I authorize @steemmonsters to use and modify the story presented here.

The contest link can be found HERE!

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