Testing A 2-Way "Steem Monsters" Market

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)


Steem Monsters - Impressive Start!

I'm very impressed with the game that @aggroed and @yabapmatt developed call Steem Monsters. I love that the game is so early we don't even know how it's played yet! (they are still writing the rules)

One thing that I've noticed is there are people that are "offering" to sell you the monsters (that's 1/2 of the market), but no one is formally "bidding" for you to sell your extras to them (that's the other 1/2 of the market). In order to develop an active market, you need both sides developed. IE people can both buy and sell without having to "haggle".

2-Way Markets Build Activity Through Confidence

I have over 30 years of experience in the capital markets and will start to find a "2-way" market so that hopefully others can join in. This is just a test. I will start with the traditional wide spread of 1 by 2... I will accept orders of up to 10 cards on each side. I will group bids in the following 4 categories: Commons, Rare Monsters, Rare Summoners, Epics.

I will try to keep the markets liquid, and once I get enough price discovery I will tighten the spread. Remember this is just an experiment and I'm not sure we are ready for a 2-way market yet as most people don't want to let go of any of their excess cards. But I am testing it to see what happens, it never hurts to try something new!

I will start with the commons first... The price is good for up to 10 cards... Once you get confirmation of the order, then the market might be adjusted (I will reflect by updating the post)

Commons (Up to 10 commons per order) Updated June 15

Bid or "Sell Price" $0.0325 sbd

Ask or "Buy Price" $0.05 sbd

Rare Monsters (Updated June 15)

Bid or "Sell Price" $0.15 sbd

Ask or "Buy Price" $0.275 sbd

Rare Summoners

Bid or "Sell Price" coming soon
Ask or "Buy Price" coming soon

Epics (New Listing June 15)

Bid or "Sell Price" $0.32 sbd

Ask or "Buy Price" $0.60 sbd

Finally I will be happy to work with the existing volume dealers to include their inventory and tighten the prices. If you are interested in participating, I will explain to you how that would work!


This post is worth fifty times what it's got right now ($2.50). I look forward to seeing more from you in every subject, but especially this one. Nice analysis, and very excited to see your test bid set up.

awww... thank you very much @littlescribe! I love your point of view too ;)

Hit me for 10!

(I don't have to specify do i?)

You got it Asher! And no, you don't have to specify! Sending them to you right now :)

Thanks for participating in this test ;)

Cheers Dave, any chance of 10 more? I'll send you .6 SBD, but let me know if i'm short!

You're good Asher... I filled them, you should have them there now... If you have a preference? red, blue, green, white, black, just let me know and I can swap out any of them to help you!

Let me know if you have any problem receiving them!

No preference, and no clue what i'm doing really, but i'm game for a laugh.

Received, cheers!

lol... if it makes you feel any better, without any rules yet, we all have no real clue! :P

Yes that helps a lot 😁

@abh12345 ... I will let you know when the rules come out and then we can put our heads together and maybe between us we can get a clue :P

ok, you should have all 10 there now... I sent 3 reds, blues, greens.. and 1 white... Let me know that they made it successfully :)

Cheers Dave, they all arrived safely. Seeing as most of what I bought are 'common', this is a discount to me 😁

lol... I know the feeling... I watched someone pull 3 legendaries in 13 packs. But it took me over 100 packs to get them.

Who was that lucky sod?! @exyle by any chance? 😁

I'm thinking a band if commons has an outside chance of causing an upset - we shall see in a few months time 😊

And me too on the commons btw... They still can go up 10 levels, so I'm hoping they get some power with some of those level ups!

It was a kid... the first time he ever played... He was spotted by @clove71 as just a cute kid playing a video game, so she gifted him some packs... And the little guy won 3 legendaries (plus she gave him one in the beginning because she didn't think he would win one) lol

Lucky fella!

For any of you wondering if this works, it was real simply. I wanted a "Giant Roc" card, it's a common one, it was the only common red card I did not have. So i went to my trusty steemit wallet clicked the down arrow next to SBD, chose the transfer function, put daves name in the to box with no @ symbol, put the 0.060 amount in the amount box, and put "For Giant Roc Card" in the memo box, then sent it off.
Boom bam no jams, just a new red card in my pile on steemmonsters card page. Simple. easy peasy. No problems at all.

Thanks @bashadow! I appreciate the endorsement and as always its a pleasure working with you too! :)

What a great idea to help get things going. Sometimes it just takes one person to kick things off. Way to be a trailblazer!

Thanks Arch! :P.... I'm not sure it is ready to go yet as the number of participants is still small... but I thought what the hell, I will see what happens... At least its something fun to do! ;)

As long as you're having fun with it. I thought about getting into it, but I was having issues with buying the starter pack. Then i realized that people were getting addicted to buying packs and I didn't want to blow through all my SBD on card packs. I still need to power up more. I also have plans for some of the SBD, so I opted to wait for now. Maybe eventually I'll get into it.

That's cool you're helping the game move along though. That will be one of the things that helps more people get involved with it.

you are welcome on jumping in with me in making the market... getting the cheap commons and rares is a way to play this and trade later on. At least that is my thinking...

If you want, just let me know and I will add your bid (or offer) anytime to the market!

I'll definitely be thinking about it. When I saw your post I thought that maybe I'd buy some of the commons to start. I'm going to be making a trade with my SBD and since I don't know where the market is going to be, I've got to hang onto all of them for now so I have enough. Once that's done, I may just hop on in. :)

anytime, just let me know! No rush!

Thanks for the information.

you are welcome @amelin!

I am very glad to see we have such a qualified salt of the earth person taking this initiative. You might as well dave, you are about 2 degrees of separation from just about everybody on steemit! You might less degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon than Kevin Bacon's parents, lol.

Some times I like looking through old comments and seeing he things people say... You always seem to have some funny shit that really cracks me up! I know your computer was out this weekend, so I hope you got some rest... It was a bit boring here this weekend without you around! :P

The force is with you! You got a 33.33% upvote from @steemyoda courtesy of @unleashpower!

lol.... you are funny @cryptkeeper17... (as always)!

I don't know if I will get a 2 way market, but it will be awesome if it happens!

It's well, series of things in steemit, just to earn something's

not sure what you mean @adeyemoy2!

I would like to buy some rares and epics :)

Hey @sames... I'm rolling out the commons first to see if there is a 2 way interest.... But from there I will do the rares and epics too :)

I was thinking of doing this but lack of time to do all those trades was killing me... i think this will happen a lot more when there is more automation. I may just have to start with legendaries first. I look forward to your update about how it goes.

lol... I'm not sure if I have the time for it either... Just getting started and seeing how it goes... I personally like a 2 sided market and feel much more comfortable myself when I get both sides... And yes I think automation will make it easier, plus I'm not sure there is enough sellers yet to make a liquid market. I'll let you know how it goes though, and would be happy to support you or anyone else doing something similar!

Thanks for sharing @davemccoy and i must say it looks as if you have been quite busy. One hardly finds you these days.

yes I have been doing several different things, but also my brother came to town so I didn't spend as much time as usual!

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