"Rexxie Arrives" - An Entry in the Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Contest

in #steemmonsters6 years ago (edited)

The Rexxies are everywhere!

I mean, typically they live down in the Primordic Grasslands in the south (see map), but they've been known to get out and cause some catastrophic destruction around the Splinter. Ain't no thing. Tough people in the Green Splinter... they can handle those Rexxies.

Rexxie Arrives

by Chris Roberts

In the early days of his divine education, the Magi was walking in the Hungry Wood having a conversation with the Spirit of the Forest. Struck by a sudden curiosity about the fiercest beasts in the land, the Magi asked: “Spirit, where did the Rexxies come from?”

With a great rush of wind and leaves, the Spirit of the Forest bellowed a hearty laugh, and after several moments, replied. “Life in Anumün is as diverse as the plants of this magical forest. They are all my children, but the existence of the dinosaurs in the Primordic Grasslands is still a mystery to me. I know from whence they came, but why they came has always eluded my wisdom.”

The Spirit of the Forest proceeded to tell the Rexxie’s tale.

The Splintering was a disaster the likes of which the world had never seen. Mountains sprang forth from the land and sudden chasms split the earth. What happened in mere moments felt for me like years of agony, as I watched the unbridled suffering of my people, plants and beasts. Powerful time magic was at work; far beyond my skill, but also beyond the understanding of everyone in this world.

One most peculiar aspect of the Splintering which I remember vividly was the opening of the Great Pit. What started as a relatively small sinkhole in the south grew into the massive pit before my eyes. The displaced earth seemed to fall forever, leaving a gaping hole which led only to mysterious blackness. There was stillness for a second, then the dinosaurs came.

Crawling, scrambling, clawing for their lives, they began emerging from the Great Pit. Many of the dinosaurs were falling back into the abyss, and others were attacking each other in a frenzy of confusion. I was astounded at these beasts, for they had never been a part of my dream. Nonetheless, as soon as I laid eyes on them they were near to my heart, and I was deeply saddened by the hardships that greeted them as they entered this world.

Myself and Kron the Centaur are in agreement. The dinosaurs could only be a result of the foreign time magic that was involved in the Splintering. A portal of some sort was created deep in the earth, blessing our land with an entire displaced world of prehistoric beasts. Around the same time, monsters began crawling up from the depths of the Primordic Sea; to this day, they have never stopped.

In the beginning, there were too many types of dinosaur to count, but I always had an eye on the Rexxies. Combine their savage thirst for life with their impenetrable hide and razor sharp claws, and they are easily a formidable opponent for any creature. The flying dinosaurs headed south in the early days, leaving Anumün forever. Many of the more peaceful breeds of plant-eaters and scavengers were wiped out as Rexxie established himself firmly as the top of the food chain.

I saw the overpopulation of the Rexxies beginning to take its toll on my people, but I allowed them to continue to thrive. I was proud to call Anumün home to these majestic beasts. I pumped great magic into the southern grasslands, causing the grasses to grow immensely tall. This region of lush vegetation became a haven for the dinosaurs. The smaller species were able to hide from the Rexxies and a new ecosystem developed. In this wild realm, life begins and ends for many of Anumün’s beasts, and the Rexxies continue to thrive.

It did not take long for the Rexxies to venture out of the Primordic Grasslands, bringing terror and havoc with them wherever they roamed. They are sure-footed and swift; they can go where they please, striking fear into the hearts of Anumites everywhere. I do not relish in this fear, but still I love the Rexxies with all my heart. They were torn from their world and brought kicking and snarling into this chaos. Yet here they belong, and here they will stay.

And with a sudden flash of light the Spirit of the Forest was gone. She always took her leave with the quickness of the wind. As he prepared for his long journey home, the Magi chuckled to himself about the Rexxies. “Perhaps She hasn’t all the answers.” As he stepped out onto the treacherous Isthmus of Ruin, the Magi heard a Rexxie’s roar in the distance, and smiled.

The end.

Thanks for reading! HERE is the link to the current contest post, if you think you can beat me... Just kidding, you can beat me. I want to see a million Steem Monsters stories!


This was an enjoyable read. As I search for ways I can enter this contest, yours helps to get clearer on what the person is asking for.

Thanks! :D
You should just jump right in. They're doing a new common card fantasy contest every week, and there are 20 common cards in total. I think they're about halfway done.

I was super excited to finally win one! My wife @carrieallen and I are leading the team of writers that's currently working on the #steemmonsters lore. We're creating a collaborative book, a D&D-style campaign setting guide that will actually be published and printed. Right now we're in the later editing stages; it's going to be an all original Steemian masterpiece.

Anyway, these weekly contests are for fantasy writing and don't necessarily have to jive with all the lore in canon. Plus the lore hasn't been published yet, so it's a free-for-all!

I got it out and it was a success! https://steemit.com/steemmonsters/@steemmonsters/steem-monsters-common-card-fantasy-story-contest-winners-the-divine-healer

I'm so happy.

I'm also happy to hear of the work you are doing. I have currently gotten into D&D online. Fun game.

If you have your first curie upvoted post handy, I'd love to read it.

Very well done, and nice story, easy to see why you were picked as the winner.

Thanks! :D Finally snagged one ;)

Congratulations. Great story.

I see Rexxie in a whole new light. But top of the food chain? Hmm. Only in the Green Splinter perhaps. Congratulations. Truly well worth reading.

Posted using Partiko Android

True. Green Splinter is like real life Jurassic Park....Have you seen that? If not, totally check it out! 😍. Dem T-Rexs are definitely NOT to be fucked with.😎

Secret: the Gold Splinter genetically 'fixed' a few to keep them smaller....so that's fun. 😀

Interesting take on the time displacement.

I was going to use that on my story as well but decided on another path.

Really well written.

I hope we could get more information like size of these monsters at times haha.

Wow ! great story @chrisroberts , I loved it! im just trying to catch up on some of these awesome stories when I get a chance, better late then never I say ! lol! Keep up the great work!👍👍👍💕

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