Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 2 - - Cyroc, Crustacean King

in #steemmonsters6 years ago

Cyroc, Crustacean King

by Bashadow

          Cyroc, was on the prowl, a squad of fire beetles had been through his territory, he knew this because his floating kelp farm had been destroyed by fire. Fire does not happen in his waters, and he was damned if he was going to allow them free reign. It was his land,(waters), and he fully intended to protect it.

          Cyroc noticed a two-legged on the shore, looking toward his burning kelp farm. Before he could reach the shore the human set a water spell over his farm extinguishing the remaining flames. Cyroc looked on in amazement at the display. The two-legged sat on the sandy beach head in his hands.

          As the two-legged sat Cyroc decided the polite thing to do would be to thank this stranger for saving the remains of his kelp farm. As he began to surface, the two-legged sprang to his feet arms raised. "hold" Cyroc bellowed, "I wish to give my thanks for saving my kelp farm. No two-legged has ever done such a thing as you have, and I would hear why".

          The two-legged sat back down in the sand. "My name is Tyrus, I have come from the inner lands following a band of fire beetles. They killed my Mother, and destroyed several trees in their path, trees of the fairy folk. They have seen a nest of them in a vision, and have tasked me to track and destroy them before they can grow in numbers. Now I must return in failure, for I can not track them over the water." the two-legged Tyrus stated in a plain bland manner of the defeated.

          "Do not be so hasty to throw the sword away. Tis your lucky day, for before you stands Cyroc King of the Crustacean's " Cyroc stated proudly. "Twas was my farm they set afire to, and twas your actions that saved what remained with no reason to do so. I shall aid you in your quest.

          Tyrus looked at the Crustacean King Cyroc and a smile grew on his face. "I would be honoured to have you by my side. I am from a small village and have never in my life had the honour to meet a king" Tyrus stated as he dipped a deep bow toward the king. "What shall I call you your highness"? he asked.

          "Fosh, all that stuff, just treat me like, well, like a not king. Just call me Cyroc. I have as much reason as you to find those Fire Beetles, they have killed several of my workers and several more are badly injured. I will tear those fire beast to pieces when I get my claws on them. " Cyroc stated with menace in his eyes, claws clicking to punctuate his anger.

          "Perhaps I can be of assistance to your injured, I am slightly skilled in healing thanks to my mother and the Fairy Folk.", Tyrus said with some modesty, "I fear though that I can not breath in the water and I have never learned to swim."

          "I am King of these waters, they will do as I tell them, you need not fear. I am would be very pleased if you could help the injured, two of the most injured are my son and daughter, they tried to save as many as they could from the fires. Come set upon my back, do not fear when we submerge, I will cast an air spell around you, you will be able to breath, and when we get to the Sanctuary you will not need to worry for we tend to our injured in the enclosed air home." and with that Cyroc and Tyrus set off to the Crustacean Kings Sanctuary, to tend to his children and workers.

          Tyrus was amazed at the trip to the sanctuary,Cyroc could feel his excitement, sense his looking around in wonder, his air spell allowed him an instinctive insight into beings when he used it, most of the time he did not like the feelings he would pick up on, but with Tyrus, all he sensed was amazement and respect, and a very very deep longing for revenge, that even Tyrus himself was unaware of. Cyroc would need to help him with that deep rooted feeling, and he would help, he would do what he could to help Heal Tyrus, as he healed his children and workers.

          "Tyrus, I thank you for the aid and comfort you have given my family and my workers. While you were working on them I had my friends searching for the Fire beetles I now know where they have gone. Rest well this evening and we will set out together and find them in the morning." Cyroc showed Tyrus where he could lay and sleep for the evening, he then set guards at his door so he would not be bothered by the curious.

          After a last check on his family and workers Cyroc, Tyrus, and a few others set off for the area the fire beetles went ashore. As they exited the water Tyrus hopped of the Crustacean Kings back. "I want to thank you Cyroc for your hospitality and for aiding me in my quest, I do not wish to burden you any further than I...." Cyroc spoke up interrupting the young Tyrus, "Young Tyrus, yes you are young no need for a petulant look at me for stating a fact. You remember the air spell for the trip to sanctuary?" Tyrus nodded in the affirmative. "I do not like to use use it, it has a side effect for me, I can feel emotions of those inclosed by it. I sensed your awe, wonder and respect, but there was something else I sensed, and I do not think even you know it is there. It is hidden very very deep, and it's roots are growing" as Cyroc spoke and distracted Tyrus his soldiers were closing in a circle around them.

          As the circle was completed, Cyroc continued his talk. "I have no way to help you, but I know of your friends, your family and much more from our contact. I need you to sit Tyrus." Tyrus looked up at the Crustation King, he could not view him as a friend at this time, only as a King. "As you command my lord", and Tyrus sat.

          "Shylee, please come forward" Tyrus bolted straight up, as the he heard the King. "Stay your hands Tyrus, Shylee told me how you would react, how you would have to react, I understand you are her protector, that...", "It's okay Cyroc" Shylee interrupted.

          "Tyrus, Cyroc did not breach our home, he does not know where it is, we are still safe. I have been following you, we could not let you go alone, you are still young, still need guidance, still need some training. I was at the shore where you went in when one of Cyroc friends came out of the water, his confusion was easy to see and I understood what his mission was. I made myself know to him, he explained, and I am here".

          "You should have let me know you were following, you could have been hurt, or killed. We know not where the beetles are, they could have ambushed you, why did you follow?" Tyrus questioned with his eyes pleading to understand.

          "As Cyroc has surmised Tyrus, you are in a deep hurt, one not really known or understood by yourself, we saw this when you left, we could do nothing because we are not strong minded enough by ourselves. Cyroc however is a King. He has the strength I need to move in and remove this burden of guilt. Cyroc can not do it himself, he is liken unto a shatter stone, he holds the strength, he can not wield it in the manner that I can. He knows what the cost is for himself, for myself, and he knows with out us, that you will die in battle against the Fire Beetles if we do not root out those threads of pain." Shylee looked deep into Tyrus's eyes to show him to see his understanding his acceptance of the reality that could unfold.

          "My Lord Cyroc, I was humbled by your willingness to aid me in my battle against the Fire Beetles, and am speechless at the lengths you have gone to see that I am able to succeed in this quest. You have my undying gratitude for the gift/sacrifice you are about to make." Tyrus turned to Shylee, "My Sister, will you be able to forgive me?"

          "Tyrus, I have known I would become outcast on this day for many years, I did not know why I would have this fate until yesterday, you have done nothing for me to forgive, I made my choice, I could have stayed, but my heart would have fallen grey if I stayed I saw that also. I could not live with half a heart, I will be with you, that is enough Brother." Shylee turned to Cyroc, " you understand what you give Sire?" Shylee asked.

          Cyroc looked deep in Tyrus eyes, and then those of Shylee, and he saw, he did not know how, but Shylee was indeed the sister of Tyrus, the true sister, he did not understand, but he did understand family, and family came first. "Shylee, Tyrus not only saved my kelp farm, he saved my injured workers, and more importantly he saved the two most precious things in my life, my son and daughter. I will carry the wound with honour for the rest of my life. A small weakness will be nothing..." At this Tyrus looked at Shylee and Lord Cyroc.

          "Lord Cyroc, what is it I am taking from you? What is this weakness you will have? Is there no other way?" Tyrus pleaded.

          "I am sorry Tyrus, do not let my loss cause you any pain, it will mend. In three years my Left claw will be regrown, it is only a slight loss as I have said. To remove the root source of your hidden anguish and pain so it can not be used against you the strength Shylee needs is in my hammer claw. As she uses her mind to slide between myself and you, she will need my strength to remove that which ails you. Now men do not let anyone in the circle", and with that he cast the air spell, calming Tyrus, and allowing Shylee to work.

          After about an hour Tyrus fell into a deep sleep. Shylee looked to the Lord Cyroc, bowed deeply, and passed out. Cyroc called to the mid-maid, "Check, them ensure they are safe, then see to my wounds." Cyroc hunched down in pain but refusing to allow his soldiers to see it.

          Tyrus woke from his slumber, he felt different, more alive, rejuvenated, he glanced at Shylee, she was in a deep slumber being looked after and guarded by one of the largest females of Cyroc kind he had ever seen. he looked over Cyroc next, the Lord was in pain that was easy for him to see. "My Lord, I want to once again thank you for this gift you have given me. You gave it freely, of that I can not thank you enough, now however is time to return the gift of healing." Tyrus leaned over the crippled claw, and let the gift of Life flow to Cyroc. Whispering sleep well my King. Tyrus approached the lead soldier Cyroc's number two man. "Set camp, we rest today and recover. Tomorrow we fight." With that he turned to the mid-maid,"Guard her well mi-lady, whilst I sleep." with that he lay down and promptly fell into a deep sleep.

My entry into: Steem Monsters Common Card Fantasy Story Contest! // Week 2

My previous story: Fantasy Story of the Week Contest - Tyrus Paladium Was an entry in this contest: Fantasy Story of the Week Contest10 Booster Pack Prize! // Join Us Tonight on Msp-Waves for Some Steem Monsters Discussion!

And dual entry in Neoxian's Super Awesome Fantasy Steem Monster Writing Contest!!


Cool, i liked that you continued your story, the adventures of tyrus will soon fill a book if you keep it up!

Thank you, this is the first time I have tried to write a longer connected story, so I appreciate your comment.

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