Spread the Metal challenge!

Yo! So, I decided I felt like starting a new challenge over here on Steemit. And, what could be better than a metal music challenge? The answer? The N-sync challenge of course Nothing of course! I was inspired to start this up over here after seeing a similar challenge start up on another crypto blogging platform, though mine is going to be a tad different. I'd like to see how far this can go, not only because I absolutely am a dirty slut for metal music, but because I'd love to find some new band recommendations and make some music buddies here on Steemit! I'll start off the challenge myself, and explain the rules once I'm done!

Here we go!

Metallica: Master of Puppets

Metallica was the first metal band that I heavily got into, and this song specifically has always been a favorite of mine. This song was also responsible for my interest and love of guitar. I had to sell my guitar to pay some bills two years back, and I have had to take breaks throughout the years from playing from various circumstances, but the opening riff of this song has been burned so deeply into my mind I'm afraid that even if I had been lobotomized, developed dementia and had part of my head caved in during the Vietnam war, I don't think I could forget it how to play it. CHARLIES IN THE TREE'S, THEY TOOK LITTLE TIMMY'S LEGS, OH GOD. 

As Blood Runs Black: Hester Prynne

After I got into thrash metal like Metallica and Pantera, I started trying to find more metal bands that I could enjoy. At the time, I had no idea there were so many different subgenre's of metal. A specific type really started gaining traction and popularity when I was really getting into metal, and that subgenre was Deathcore. My friends found this band I hadn't heard of, called As Blood Runs Black, and I fell in love at first listen with these guys and their sound. This was my gateway into much heavier metal music, and this band always has a special place in my heart. As well as in my nipples, god they're so tenderrrrr.

Especially because they're music was fun as fuck to play on guitar, and the members themselves back then were rad guys. (Saw them live when I was 15/16 and they gave me a free t shirt signed by them, as well as some other merch and chatted with me for about 35 minutes. Sadly, all but 1 of the members has left and been replaced by random people. Riperinno.)

The Dillinger Escape Plan: Farewell, Mona Lisa

After a few years of really being into metal music, a good friend of mine introduced me to what would be my favorite band for the past 7-8 years. This bands music is one of very few that I can listen to everyday for months straight without ever getting fatigued from hearing it. I've never loved a band quite as much as I loved these guys. Sadly, however, they're no longer together which is a tremendous shame. Out of every band I have seen live, these guys produced the most energy, craziness and most memorable concert experience I've ever had the pleasure of, well, experiencing. 

Ice Nine Kills: The American Nightmare 

To finish up this post, I figured I would share the most recent metal band/song that I have been listening to. This band was one that I was into all the way back in 9th grade, but they have evolved and changed so much over the years it has been somewhat fascinating to watch. This band started off as probably the best emo band that I ever heard back in the day (Yes, I was an emo kid for awhile back when I was a younging. They were strange times to say the least), and over the years have changed into one of the best metalcore bands that are still around. I love their sound, and I'm glad to see them change things up and do so well at it. This album as well as their previous one before it have been horror themed, which definitely tickles my taint fancy.

I could go on all day and make this post insanely long probably, with all of my love for metal. There are so many bands and songs that molded my love for music and in some way who I am today. But, I'll save that for another day perhaps. (Maybe a round 2 for this challenge, ehhh?) So, now that I've done my post let me go over the official rules for those of you who decide to participate in the challenge! 

Rules for the metal challenge! 

  • Share one or more Metal/Hard Rock songs in your post
  • Explain a bit about why you're choosing the song/songs 
  • Challenge two users from Steemit (Or, more if you'd like! The more the better!)
  • Use the tag steemmetalchallenge as your first tag
  • Only one entry per person for this first round

So, that's it. Now it's time for me to challenge some people to try and get this started. I suppose I'll send a challenge out to a few extra people to try and get this moving. The people that I will be challenging for this are @Erodedthoughts, @Saywha, @Blewitt, @Strawhat, @Modernzorker, @Kryptik, @Crimsonclad, @Hitmeasap. I know some of you are fans of metal, while others may not be. But, I have to assume that those of you who may not listen to metal must like some form of hard rock. So share that shit, or else you're gonna have to fight me in roblox, motherfucker. 

Appreciate you dood's and doodette's for stopping by to check out my post. Take it easy! 


\m/ This is the second time I’ve been challenged to spread the metal. I have to do a post soon now. I haven’t listened to a lot of stuff in quite a while but as soon as I catch a break from fire training, work, emt school and being a new dad I’ll get on it.

No worries, bro. Get to it whenever you can. I remembered you talking about metal a bit in the old steemit chat, and figured you wouldn't mind getting in on this. You can post music from whenever, doesn't matter if it's old or what. I'll be looking forward to seeing your shit though, dood.

Solid pick with Dillinger man.

They put on a gnarly stage show.

Oh, definitely. Such a shame that they're not playing anymore. The show I did get to see them at was fucking rad. Not only did they put on an amazing show with crazy energy on stage, but nature itself was just being metal. Saw them in a field down in Tampa, Florida during a tropical storm. It held off up until the crescendo section of Sunshine the Werewolf (Their 2nd song of the set IIRC) and as soon as they hit that part of the song it just started pouring rain, flashing lightning and gusting wind. I'll never forget that shit.

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