KINESIS:The Evolution of the Gold StandardsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #steemlite6 years ago (edited)

Money; It’s said that it makes the world go round. Since the stone age, man has found ways to exchange value. Trade by barter, fiat, and in the not so distant past, cryptocurrencies.
Cryptocurrency was a revolutionary point in our development, and we are obviously still working out the kinks. The volatility of the crypto market, among others, makes it difficult to be accurately used in the exchange of value.
With that being said, Kinesis has proposed a solution that is tied to an old monetary unit of a few centuries back; Gold! This seems like a logical step in man’s evolution. Sometimes we need to take a few steps back, to accelerate even faster.


The value of gold has been stable for hundreds of years, and if anything, it always appreciates. Kinesis has created a cryptocurrency that is fixed at a 1:1 ratio to physical gold and silver, ensuring that the problem afore mentioned is tackled. It also ensures that users who back these currencies, share in the wealth according to the number of tokens they hold. Rather than holding on to these resources, Kinesis ensures that they can turn them to a source of revenue by offering incentives to spend, rather than holding. Thus, changing the way we interact with gold and silver.
The backbone of the Kinesis ecosystem are:
Gold(KAU) & Silver (KUG): Used to retain value and stability. Used for transactions and investment purposes. Kinesis crypto, KAU and KAG are the fuel used to carry out transactions within the ecosystem.
YIELD: Continuous payment of returns made to holders of tokens, as a result of activities carried out within the ecosystem.
BLOCKCHAIN/CRYPO INDUSTRY: ensures that Kinesis is even more efficient, secure, and having multiple channels of generating returns.

Kinesis offers better returns on investments, than most of the markets we have today, such as fiat, crypto and investment assets markets. It also involves less risks. Simply put, Kinesis is focused on reducing the risk investors face, while drastically increasing potential profits. It’s a win on both fronts, which will directly ensure that adoption of it’s solution will be en masse.


ABX is a leader in the trading of precious metals, and Kinesis has developed its solution by collaborating with them. By doing this, Kinesis ensures that they aren’t leaving anything to chance. Having well versed and very experienced hands at the top of the food chain ensures that token holders are getting the best hands to handle their business. Mistakes are easily punished, and funds can be lost in an instant, so it’s critical to have a full understanding of the market and be able to manage challenges as they arise. It also ensures that the development process is hastened, new partnerships can be made very quickly, and deployment of solutions is on schedule-or even ahead.
3.1 FIAT: Over centuries, fiat has lost its value over and over again, and as a result, we have seen economies tumble into recessions. Currencies also get devalued frequently, leading to inflation. Basic investment packages by banks aren’t yielding significantly, either. Interestingly, many governments are in debt.

3.2 CRYPTO: Due to the volatile nature of cryptos, it’s hard to use them to store up or retain value. For a currency to grow exponentially and sustain it, it should not be prone to such fluctuations, it should be stable to a very great level, and close to what they average person can relate to. If an organisation decided to take a shot at the crypto market, and decided to store a significant portion of their reserves, around say March of this year(2018), what they will be left with by this time(Aug) of the year will be about one/third of its value, with regards to the average cryptocurrency.

3.3 ASSET-BACKED CURRENCY: Holders of resources such as precious metals will prefer to spend fiat over them, because they feel the latter is less valuable. Kinesis makes uses of a reward system to encourage people to use their valuable currencies, rather than store them up, by offering huge incentives.
Many of these precious metals have no attached benefits attached to them, apart from when they are sold; also, securing these currencies costs more money.

3.4 BULLION MARKET: Trading in this market is usually done over the counter, which is not efficient. Kinesis ensures that its solution is ideal for bi-lateral wholesale trading via the blockchain (segregated wholesale contracts, with serial numbers and bar hallmark).
A lot of organisations also lack adequate resources to ensure everything is in place, establish a global reach, and also lack entry points into the global market.
Kinesis also has the advantage of experience, being more efficient-time saving, by imbibing the pros of blockchain technology.

Kinesis is looking to solve all of these problems, by having a feature of the great aspects, and improving on their flaws.
For Kinesis to be effective and efficient a number of functions/processes need to be present.

4.1 KINESIS CURRENCY EXCHANGE (KCX): This acts as its wholesale market, where its currency can be created and minted. It’s connected to the global market via ABX.

4.2 KINESIS BLOCKCHAIN NETWORK (KBN): The ecosystem is built on the blockchain, and this brings additional security, efficient transaction costs, speed, as well as allowing for the currency to be traded on the blockchain.

4.3 KINESIS BLOCKCHAIN EXCHANGE (KBE): This is its digital currency exchange. Kinesis and other tokens can be traded here.

4.4 KINESIS FINANCIAL NETWORK (KFN): Acts as a mobile banking system. Tokens can be saved, sent, and received. It has a debit card attached to it. Access points will be created, for real-time transactions.

4.5 KINESIS COMMERCIAL CENTER (KCC): Functions as an online directory for goods and service providers, ensuring that the Kinesis suite can be used effectively in effecting transactions.
The following will be made use of
Reserve/Payment currencies:

  • Physical Gold and Silver.
  • Segregated Gold & Silver bars.
  • Fiat: GBP, EUR, JPY, CHF
  • Digitial currencies: TBA

Investment Currencies: Physical Silver/Paper Silver.

Kinesis makes use of the Stellar blockchain because of super transaction speeds and its high security level.

Velocity based yield system.

Kinesis offers multiple ways for users to get returns on investment.
6.1 Minter Yield: Created to draw capital to the ecosystem. Rewards users that mint the currency in the primary market, and spend it in the secondary market.

They receive a yield by purchasing Kinesis currencies in the KCX and then transacting in the KBN. Process of reflecting in the KBN is automatic. It offers a continuous stream of income that builds up.

6.2 Holder Yield: A form of passive income, to act like the way returns will come from deposits made with a bank.


Yield will come from passive involvement, and is based on the currency’s velocity.

6.3 Affiliate Yield: Reward for referring others. Yield comes from a portion of transaction fees realised from the activity of individuals or businesses they brought in.

6.4 Depositors Yield:Reward for large deposits made by users into their wallets.
They receive yields on initial deposits, and a share of transaction fees for the life of the currency deposited in wallets, as they exchange hands.


6.5 Fee Sharing: Early adopters get to enjoy better ongoing rates.

Kinesis monetary system explained

Kinesis Velocity Token (KVT) is an ERC-20 complaint token that Kinesis hopes to use to raise funds to power it’s ecosystem. By holding on to KVT, holders will get paid returns from transaction fees off transactions that take place within the ecosystem.

Angelo is keen on stocking up on his reserves. He has tried fixed deposits with banks, but the yield has not been encouraging. After that, he delved into the crypto space, and unfortunately for him, his entrance collided with a slump, and he lost considerable value in a short time.

Feeling depressed and running out of options, he is referred to Kinetic by a financial adviser.
By making use of the ecosystem, he is able to retain value and also earn passively, anytime he carries out a transaction or refers a friend. Rather than holding on to his precious funds, he is getting his funds to work for him and bring in more money, instead of take away from it.


Kinesis is less volatile by a wide margin, when compared to cryptocurrencies because it’s backed by physical gold and silver. This ensures that the price remains stable, and users can earn passive reoccurring income with minimal activities that traditional institutions cannot offer.

A 1:1 ratio also helps to mitigate against losses, such as is rampant in the crypto market. This also ensures that mass adoption is a possibility, and the fear of losing everything one has worked for in an instant, is done away with. It also ensures that wealth to go round is generated, and holders do not need to hoard resources anymore.

Kinesis also ensures that one doesn’t need to be a professional investor with years of experience to get their money to work for them. An average Joe can use two or three channels to earn. When the system is easy for everyone to operate by themselves, then mass adoption will be possible. Kinesis ensures that wealth earned is shared, and everyone has an equal opportunity to earn residually, as long as they are prepared to do minimal work.


  • KVT’s ITO is currently in pre-sale. Public sale will commence on the 10th of Sept. 2018.
  • KAU and KAG’s ICO are slated for Nov. 12, 2018.







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