- New Ranking System, Top Authors, Top Curators

in #steemli8 years ago

A New System for Ranking Posts

The main new feature on is an experimental ranking system called RScore. A detailed post on the logic behind RScore is coming tomorrow.

Posts being ranked by RScore. We can see that the payout variance is quite large. The post with the biggest payout is not guaranteed to be ranked first.

'Top posts by Reputation' feed has been deprecated in favor of RScore. I would love to hear your feedback on the rankings.

New Posts from Rising Authors

This feed tracks all Authors whom have had received recognition for their work in the past.

This might be a great way for people to discover great content, and re-discover awesome authors.

Voters by Profitability

This feed is a leaderboard of most profitable curators, and the content they are voting for.

New Posts by Momentum

Unlike other features, this one has been around for a while. I am including it in this post, because I am considering deprecating it in favor of "New Posts by RScore". If you think I should keep it, please let me know.

Other Changes

The website has been cleaned up and re-organized. All of the features are based on real-time reactive feeds with a minimalistic presentation.

The backend has been re-written to use steemtools (yup, dogfooding my own library).

All of the workers have been moved from a multi-threaded into a multi-process model for greater reliability and stability (each feed is powered by its own Docker container with auto-restart on crash).

An aggressive in-memory caching model has been implemented for all feeds that require networking-expensive calls. This should vastly reduce the bandwidth load on


Don't miss out on the next post - follow me.
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Really great stats! Bookmarked!

Can I ask, could you maybe remove accounts that are known to follow others votes? So only the first account and his APR is vissible and not all the accounts following it too (looks a bit spammy and doesn't give much of a chance to other curators and those that vote manually)

Man, you are awesome. I've been looking for top curation by % for quite a while :D

This Steem just get,s cleaner and cleaner !! One Big Bad Steem Machine !! Steem On all the guys in the boiler room , you are doing a great job !! Upvoted.

Thanks for your efforts, great tools

This is an awesome tool! thank you for providing this!

This is going to be hard for me because I really like what you did for the steemit. I am a fan of your work here on steemit but in this case I think scoring system has a bug. Rscore is based on wrong indicators.

You have REGULAR SPAM on the 10th position. There is plenty of bots behind him and he is posting same *** over and over again. Is this really way we want to make steemit works?

That account has strong support from a few whale accounts and a fair share of bots. Nobody is flagging it either.
If enough people would down-vote it, then its RScore would drop as well.

I thought fundamental bug, not technical . I understand that R score algorithm is not designed to identify spam. I would like to ask you at least keep this in mind when you will talk with some of decision makers because spam could have negative impact to whole steemit. I wrote an article about this problem week ago. Could you please look at the charts. I don't want promote the old post , I just want to help to solve this problem. thank you

I didn't know anything about It looks great! Thanks for developing this tool :)

Wow this is great, thanks. gonna put this in my bookmarked steem tools.

Very interesting tool might have to take the time to learn more about it thanks for sharing upvoted.

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