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RE: - New Ranking System, Top Authors, Top Curators

in #steemli8 years ago

This is going to be hard for me because I really like what you did for the steemit. I am a fan of your work here on steemit but in this case I think scoring system has a bug. Rscore is based on wrong indicators.

You have REGULAR SPAM on the 10th position. There is plenty of bots behind him and he is posting same *** over and over again. Is this really way we want to make steemit works?


That account has strong support from a few whale accounts and a fair share of bots. Nobody is flagging it either.
If enough people would down-vote it, then its RScore would drop as well.

I thought fundamental bug, not technical . I understand that R score algorithm is not designed to identify spam. I would like to ask you at least keep this in mind when you will talk with some of decision makers because spam could have negative impact to whole steemit. I wrote an article about this problem week ago. Could you please look at the charts. I don't want promote the old post , I just want to help to solve this problem. thank you

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