Selling pressure and why I'm still positive

in #steemleo5 years ago

I've been trying lately to fully grasp the concept of selling pressure. I know, trust me, that it's simple, and yes, I do tend to overthink things, but my new found curiosity has been fueled by a comment made by Starkerz in recent conversations about STEEM.

As far as I know, I've never heard anyone make the direct connection of an upvote adding selling pressure. Maybe it's mostly due to the fact that most of the voices who feel they deserve more upvotes, would find themselves working against their own interests, if they even explored the line of thinking.

All that being said, as much as it is technically true, it will always be true. Which is to say, that no matter what changes we make, how the economy of the STEEM ecosystem is setup, upvotes will always add selling pressure. So, the better question is how to compensate, if you will, the selling pressure. How do we create demand, as to make the sale of the tokens less frequent, if not insignificant for the big picture.

Here's what we seem to know...

Reward System != Business Model

Yes, we talk about the distribution of STEEM tokens as "a business" and at face value, I understand and agree. But, if all businesses add selling pressure, then they we are literally adding more weight to columns expecting them never to collapse.

We've seen the results of this expectation, we've seen it all too clearly, so it's imperative we begin to walk away from those business models altogether. In other words, speculation, which is all we have, cannot sustain a blockchain long term in any significant way. If we believe it can, we are tacitly implying that we need more suckers to buy our tokens as we onload to them, and it's hardly an action done in the name of benevolence.

So, what does this mean for STEEM as a currency, as an ecosystem? Well, among other things, that the line between STEEM as a network of resources, and STEEM the currency is being solidified every day. It seems to me that the maturation of STEEM the blockchain, in what we could only call it's long term sustainable form, is one that would focus on resources mainly, on access to an audience, to a flexible network, and it's able to leverage these digital + human capital as commodities to provide a business a framework to operate in.

Again, the main point I'm trying to make is that any business built on top of the reward pool of STEEM, is likely to fail in the future, and attempting to keep things the same, ignores the necessity of walking away from the gambling approach of the speculative markets.

At this point it seems I'm bashing most, if not all the business models on the STEEM blockchain, but my concern, or my observation, is more to clarify our direction, and not so much to criticize past actions, past ideas. If bidbots, gambling games, etc, created demand when they did, and became the first applications built on STEEM, they were necessary to mature the ideas we are currently contemplating.

Content Business Model

For content creators, which we have a ton of here, it's quite worrying that we may be moving away from the idea of getting paid to post. I think that's a valid concern, but it's also one that seems unlikely to be entirely true.

As I mentioned before, one of the important resources of this blockchain is the people who are participating of it, and those who will join in the future. So, if there's an audience, there's sure to be a reason why it showed up, and a demand that follows it. How those environments will look, is a whole different conversation, but the recent sprouting of tribes on STEEM-ENGINE, gives us a sneak peek into the possibilities.

Now, if hypothetically we had a particular community or tribe, to be consistent with the lingo, that is able to grow massively, then the human capital it would possess, would be monetizable almost right away, and thus sustainability can be achieved, if it's leveraged just right.

Some time ago, I wrote a long piece inspired on the upcoming release of VOICE on the EOS blockchain. It seems to me that a human capital/content business model built in this manner is not only sustainable, but also incredibly scalable. A business model that solves both the problem of sell pressure, with the realization that most users are not interested in being investors and/or speculators to begin with.

Why am I still positive?

As someone who is sitting on a considerable amount of STEEM, not only on this account of course. I don't feel fear regarding the future of this blockchain. Now, I would not say I'm not biased, since being invested in STEEM as much as I am surely influences my thoughts. But, having skin in the game has given me enough motivation, if you will, to dig deep and understand the possibilities.

In my view, we are witnessing an evolution of not just technology, which of course is obvious, but more so of the philosophies of understanding resources and human capital. And, this makes me grateful to have a front row seat.


This system as been working for past years and is producing good results, nothing but going up from here! :) <3

All cryptos have a distribution model.

LTC and BTC are mined, and yes they have sell pressure. I laugh when I hear this being described like this. All tokens have a model of distribution, ours happens to be via votes. What Starkz says applies to all tokens. If no one owns the thing it holds no value.

What we need to do is create demand.

This whole line of thinking is relevant to every token.

Mining, via computer equipment or votes creates sell pressure. You have to match that with demand.

No disagreement from me there... it's how we distribute. But, I guess if I had to sum up my post here... its precisely that... how we ought to think of demand.

Absolutely. Supply is taken care of. Demand is critical.

Why should someone buy STEEM?

More specifically, why should someone buy more STEEM than the minimum needed to transact on the blockchain?

Every choice has an opportunity cost. If you are buying STEEM, that means you are not buying everything else in the world, including PAL, LEO, BTC, EOS, and whatever else that can be considered competitors within the asset class.

I'm not sure how you mean that.

I own all of the above. I don't need to choose. I pick a few and hope some do well and understand most will not.

The reason I stopped buying Steem is it is still too expensive. If I buy Steem I know my investment will be wasted on SteemIt, Inc's powerdowns, Haejin and traf's abuse. KevinWong, and the bidbots. My Steem can hold no value as long as we are allowing the level of abuse and waste.

The distribution isn't the problem. It is not using the inflation to add value.

If there is too much sell pressure we need to either reduce inflation or increase demand. We also have to plug the holes... :)

Using inflation to add value.

Ah, this makes me think. Thank you!

There are certain investments one makes without expecting a return and any form of it is met with joy because it wasn’t expect. This, the return exceeded expectations. If everyone held this mind set and invested as such how would that change the “selling pressure”?

Posted using Partiko iOS

it's somewhat hard to change most people's minds... more so, because we have a group of steemians who attempt to eat using STEEM, and it's incredibly hard to do so, unless you are a big whale and live frugally.

That being said, I guess the quest for this answer is still in play... I used to think it was about educating people to think long term, but in the past few months I've realized that most people have a boot on their throat, and they can't afford to do so.

I think we are stuck with a perspective of an ecosystem that has less than 50k active accounts. If it were to expand towards the penetration of centralized platform, even the smaller ones; I am sure thay demand would not be an issue. In fact, it may very well be that supply is not enough for all just like bitcoin supply will not be enough for the world’s population.

Posted using Partiko iOS

That little hope is what keeps me going too and mostly all the steemians who survived the bear market specially we are still stucked with downtrend of steem but it will rise its a project that is driven by community and that's its speciality

Killer explanation @meno. I think the ongoing splintering out of steemit into sub tokens, side chains, alt coins whatever we want to call them based off of steem-engine is leveraging the micro economies of steemit and bringing them into arenas and places they can exist from outside the shadows of others. Almost like a steemit reset which is very exciting for me, and several others which do nothing but help continually leverage this human capital on what is actually produced on steemit or with steem based networks outside of traditional steemit as we knew it. The maturation of steemit is also beginning in the works. If these tokens that are being sold along with miners are keeping their word and obligations to maximize the real, capital of their space and resources then this could be an explosion of immense creation of content and how future blockchain socially driven networks will want to follow...and if we keep doing our jobs within they can follow that future model as well. Thanks again for inner deep-dive of perhaps the most paramount subject right now involving steem and the steemit platform.


Staying positive is definitely important, this is a long-term thing. If anyone thinks they will get rich quickly off of #steem, #palnet or #steemleo they are sadly mistaken. Some people are trying to make a living and need the income from it, that does create selling pressure, while others give up and cash out.

I feel that bid-bots were contributing to the selling pressure and hopefully, they go away soon. Steem needs to create long-term value. You need SP to be able to interact with the blockchain and with more DApps coming out and tokens, I'm excited about the future.

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The question is: How do they respond when friction occurs? We must have a plan ready for the steem success or failure.

could you elaborate some more?

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