Artificial intelligence changing lives.

in #steemleo5 years ago

Artificial intelligence is having advances that have stopped surprising us, and its application is reaching different areas of our daily lives, every time it is more common to see and use AI-based systems, trying to facilitate daily tasks or seeking to solve any health problem that we can present.


The story I share with you today has to do with those uses and applications of AI technology intervening in a situation to change the life of a young man who was surprised by misfortune, and as a result of an unexpected event he lost both eyes.

Rufo Chacón.

Rufo is a young Venezuelan who lost his eyes as a result of the impact of a shot with pellets, while participating in a protest for domestic gas in the border state of Tachira, in July this year.

In the middle of the protest the young man received multiple pellets in both eyes, losing not only his sight, but also his dreams and his desire to live:

"My son lost his eyes because he wanted to help me claim the gas we need so much" and "My son wants to die, his life was ruined"
Mother of Rufo Chacón

Prosthetics with artificial intelligence.

This is a true case where science, more specifically artificial intelligence is applied for the benefit of people, and changes the life of a person who had lost hope.

Last week the news that Rufo Chacón had received an implant of a prosthesis with AI, appeared in different media, Rufo's mother released the news.

"Today is a very special day for us and particularly for my son Rufo Chacón. We have received the blessing of the most advanced science offered so far to improve his quality of life and independence,"
I express very happy the young man's mother, Adriana Parada, on Instagram.

The young man received an eye prosthesis with an artificial intelligence system that will allow him to connect with his surroundings.

"Everything has been perfect, we have achieved a lot of movement, all the movement, on all sides and we have implemented the Arcan device, to detect objects and faces and give it a lot of autonomy". Express Dr. Salinas.

For now, the attending physician hopes that the eye cavities are fenced by adapting and adjusting the prostheses to move forward in the following steps, in this sense the doctor expressed:

"We are already in the final phase of the process, we already have the 95% prostheses finished, there is a small adjustment that we hope to do at the last minute when Rufo travels to Venezuela, we can adjust as much as we wanted."

"Rufo feels quite good with him (system), he can read newspapers, read texts in front of him, the device takes the picture and reads exactly what the picture puts"

Something really surprising, in my opinion we are facing the best we have at the moment in the matter of artificial intelligence, but the best of all is that it is placed at the service of people and can improve the quality of life of a person who had lost the desire to live.


The family took advantage of the means to thank the different entities that got involved to get Rufo to have his eye prostheses today, the young man thanked in an interview with the president of Frigilux Yaser Dagga because he has been,

"the fundamental basis of all this" and Dr. Salinas for implementing the eye prostheses "which will have been perfect".

The mother on the other hand affirmed:

"It is very different, seeing it as it was was traumatic and this is a very big change" and added that "Mr. Yaser Dagga has behaved like a beautiful person who has helped my son and his Frigilux Foundation group who have been a great support for us "



Undoubtedly, these are the cases that we want to continue knowing about artificial intelligence applications, knowing that there are institutions and governments that are investing in generating systems like this fills us with hope, but knowing that there are institutions that are willing to supporting people who do not have the necessary resources to access them, is something very rewarding.

Thank you for reading and commenting on this post!

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Interesting to see how AI technology will evolve over time.

@tipu curate

Hello @culgin, it is very good to see the progress, but when they have this end, to be able to change the life of someone who suffered a misfortune like that of this young man.

I am always glad that technology is used to help people improve their lives or recover it.

I would have liked it much more if he had not lost his eyes for the repression against those who protest the failures of public services, but at least he can see again.

Hello dear @pedrobrito2004.

It is very sad the things we have to do with the negligence of some, but thanks to God and technological advances we can see that someone's life can at least be less difficult.

This news has touched me deeply.

Since I met the case of this young man I felt very sad since he is just a teenager and was totally blind in an instant. This should be one of the most traumatic experiences for anyone.

I am glad to know that you have your prostheses that will help you more easily incorporate into society in a productive way.

Hello brother @juanmolina.

It is a really shocking case the way in which the life of such a young person is ruined, when I read this news I thought about my son, he is 15 years old and he studies 4th year of high school, imagine how this changes the life of an entire family. Thank God for science we can say in this case, we pray that your life is a little better now.

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