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RE: Our Best Sugar-free Chocolate Cheesecake Yet!

I live in a very remote rural area in Donegal, up near the coast where forest meets sea, it's beautiful :-) Unfortunately the land around here is terrible for growing food, as it's completely full of rocks! There aren't even any rabbits here because no proper earth for them to burrow through. We have tried and tried, and though we can grow things in pots or hanging baskets, the last few years have been so wet and overcast, that harvests have been very poor. We're actually thinking of moving elsewhere, perhaps Europe, but all up in the air right now :-) Would love to become self-sufficient.

It's very difficult to persuade others within the healthcare profession that natural is best! For example, many people we support have been advised to avoid sugar, so instead of using natural sweetners the staff use artificial ones! It makes me so frustrated, since the last thing these people need are extra poisons in their bodies! But you make suggestions and they go in one ear and out the other. I keep trying though! :-)


howdy again @woman-onthe-wing...I missed this reply and asked where you are located in my other reply to yours a few minutes ago so sorry about that. Thanks so much for explaining the location situation and about growing things, oh my...for your desires your location doesn't work if you can't grow anything!
Where in Europe would you go and what about jobs, can you get work wherever you go?
people are stubborn and set in their ways and don't want to take even one minute to improve their
health sometimes even if it's harming I'm sure you've seen smokers sick with lung cancer and they don't want to give up their cigarettes!
keep fighting the good fight though, you're making a difference!
God bless you guys!

Thankfully both me and my husband are flexible when it comes to work - my husband is an author, and into blockchain publishing and ICOs too... a real geek and highly intelligent! I'm currently not practising nursing (time out to raise our son) but I do some free-lance consulting, and a few blockchain projects of my own which I hope will give us some income over the next few years too. The exact country that will home us is still yet to be determined! but hopefully we'll move before winter comes round again. Don't think I can take another long cold wet winter!

Yes it can be very frustrating watching people make unhealthy choices, particularly if they're already ailed and making it worse! But I know how hard addictions can be, and both smoking and processed-food-diets are indeed addictions! I smoked for 14+ years and loved it, and only gave up when I got pregnant. I was addicted to sugar too, and that was equally hard to quit. But now I'm smoke and sugar free haha! It was interesting actually - last summer for my birthday I was bought some milk chocolates, so I ate 5 of them, and no kidding, the following 3 days after I couldn't stop craving chocolate! Amazing how addictive sugar is, which is why I'm so vehement in my posts about avoiding it!

I feel it's all one-sided here - what about you? You're clearly after good health since you're eating keto... have you been on this diet long? Have you given up any unhealthy habits of your own? (just being nosey but don't answer if you'd rather not!)

Howdy again @woman-onthe-wing! it is so good to hear from you again and I apologize for the long delay in getting back to you, you've been on my list since I received your comment but things got crazy this week and I got way behind.

It's nice to meet a fellow cigarette and sugar former addict! I was the same way, I smoked for 20 years and really enjoyed it, I only quick because my wife did and I couldn't keep smoking with her not smoking.

I was also a sugar addict my entire life, I was basically raised on it!
that was so interesting that you got cravings for it again just from one indulgence! almost scary isn't it?

Well I love the fact that you are investing in some blockchain companies because my wife has been wanting to do that but we have no idea how you go about it, do you have any advice?

I also love the fact that ya'll can move anywhere in the world basically because of your professions, or at least because of your husbands at this time. Let me ask you a question...we don't know about the long term strength of Steemit and whether I should be spending so much time working at it. What do you and your husband, who studies these cryptos I assume, think about Steem and Steemit?

I'm having a blast but there's no money in it for a long time so we're trying to figure out if I should stay with it.

As far as Keto we've been on it for about 3 months now, it's helped so much, lost a lot of weight, feel so much better, my memory has improved, no more joint pain! it's been remarkable!

thanks so much for getting back with me woman-on the-wing!
God bless you both!

The thing about Steemit is it's really hard to make any kind of decent money, especially at the moment with Bitcoin keeping price of crypto down, and especially for a newbie too. A couple years ago the community was much smaller, and not only did more 'whales' and 'dolphins' vote on 'minnows' posts, there was also a lot more manual curation. Now bots are the popular way to do things, which has a real negative effect on the community, less chatting, less curation, and so many people it's hard to get noticed. A couple years ago I remember days when there were only a handful of new people joining each day, now there are hundreds!

I have no doubt platforms very similar to Steemit will start to emerge, and maybe one day become more popular than Steemit, who knows. But Steem and Steemit are two very different things, and Steem is very valuable, and if you can keep posting and earning tiny bits of Steem, over time thins could amount to LOTS! Last year, when the price of Bitcoin soared and kept rising and rising rapidly, so did Steem, and my account value practically doubled overnight and kept rising! When that happened everyone started curating like crazy, as voting power went up. I think my upvote was worth about a tenner at one point! Sadly, I had to power down (needed extra income) and so my SP and account value aren't worth half as much as they would if I'd held onto what I had. So my advice, stick with it! BUT only if you enjoy it. Because if you don't then it becomes disheartening when your posts don't do well.

My husband is the one with the head for figures and crypto, I know very little and am not the person to advise about investing! But there are so many great posts that give excellent pointers, so maybe if you browse through the 'crypto' and 'money' categories you may come across some helpful info :-)

howdy again @woman-onthe-wing! it's so good to hear from you and I am eating up all this knowledge and background history of when Steemit was first starting which brings me to the question of how you found out about it?

Your description of how it was when it first started makes sense now because it is so hard to get noticed and gain traction at this point..but I see people who are way up in the 60s rep and I've seen alot of their posts and comments and I'm thinking "how in the world did this person ever attain that level!" but now I know how.

Are you guys actively looking for another home and is it difficult to find one in another country? do you have access to residential real estate data or do you have to rely on Realtors?
thanks again for getting back to me!

Hey there @janton, hope you've had a good weekend :-) My husband was already into BTC and through that he found out about Steem and Steemit, and got me onto it so I could share my recipes. I'd thought about starting a blog anyway but admittedly the prospect of earning real money gave me more motivation! They always say come for the money but stay for the people, and it's true. The money side, for me, has always come second to community, and that's why I still try encourage manual curation and minnow support, because if it just becomes competing for popularity and using others for personal gain then it will suffer at some point down the line.

As for moving house, a lot of other countries don't really advertise long-term lets online, it's mainly short term for tourists, and prices can be very high. So a lot of people arrange something temporary and then once there they chat to locals and find a place to rent that way. Prob be the way we do it!

howdy there @woman-onthe-wing! thanks so much for getting back with me and I just went to your blog and realized I hadn't followed you so I did that, I saw a pizza post! gotta check that out! I've been missing alot of good stuff!
Okay well the real estate thing sounds very strange to me. I mean here in the U.S. you can search for any type of property anywhere in the country with tons of photos and details available.
bytheway have you ever considered the United States?

I so admire your attitude toward making this platform one to help others and not just try to make money off of them.
God bless you!

The same is true for Ireland - properties online with all details and photos, but some European countries for example focus mainly on sales rather than rentals. If you want to rent like a local you have to meet the locals and find a place by word of mouth, otherwise you'll be paying tourist prices. It really depends on the country you're moving to! We haven't quite decided yet, but a poorer country with more fertile land and more emphasis on social care and justice appeals to me. Can't stand wealth accumulation and 'every man for himself' attitudes. My brother actually lives in LA but (no offence if you love the US) but I wouldn't move there if you paid me a million in Steem! I wouldn't move back to England either. Loads of reasons why not, largely political, but I don't like to discuss politics online. Also becoming more self-sufficient is a goal for us and this climate is simply too wet and cold to grow much. And houses are often damp and mouldy, it can get pretty depressing, especially in winter (which seems to last most of the year!) The health of my family is the most important, and it's hard even to buy organic around here. I don't drive so I have to get a bus 16 miles just to buy our fruit & veg!

It's hard to find time for this project in between family duties, but I'm determined to continue with it, as I believe it's worth it for the inspiration and education it provides. There's quite a demand for healthy recipes and health info this year, which is fantastic, because a couple years ago the most successful food posts were all the sugar-filled sweet treats. Thankfully people are getting savvy with natural sweetners and have changed a lot of people's minds and diets! Hooray!! I appreciate your support for the project, and welcome any healthy recipes you have for the LUNCHBOX curation series. That pizza you mentioned is made with the same recipe as the carrot bread - the recipe through which we met! It makes the most wonderful pizza base I ever tried! Thanks very much :-)

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