in #steemitultimatechallenge6 years ago (edited)

First, i want to honour @dobartim for organizing this contest, and joggling brains to notice the difference between the before and the after experiences of participating in the steemit movement, and to keep in remembrance the role of the steemit community in redeeming lost voices, talents, passions, status and finances. I respect your express desire to see people who are trying to grow in the community climb up. Thank you Sir!

Now let's meet me..


I am Uwakmfon. I live in Uyo, Akwa Ibom state, Nigeria. I hold a B.Sc. degree in Sociology And Anthropology from the University Of Uyo, Nigeria.
Just like many people, I have dreams and passions which keep me on my toes and fuel my life purpose. I get heartily interested in music, writing, and reflecting. I used to write articles, songs and poems, but having tried and not found a good enough platform and exposure to showcase my works to my desired audience, i became inconsistent few years ago and lived in dissatisfaction in that aspect of my life. This did not stop me from staying creative because i believed my desired "someday" would emerge soon.

I was rounding up my National Youth Service Corp (NYSC- a mandatory call to service for under-30 years old graduate youths to leave their states of origin and relocate to another, to serve the country in her area of demand) December last year and i was more worried about how i would get a good job with my B.Sc. and NYSC certificates in a country where lack of employment has slowly melted into the political and social backgrounds.

**me as certified on completion of NYSC

How Steemit Changed My Life.

January 2018 became a brand new beginning for my life as a colleague turned friend, @miltonforex sent me a message on Facebook to stop hanging around waiting for jobs and join a platform Called Steemit. He sent me the address and said i would thank him later, so out of curiosity, i looked it up immediately. I was thrilled by what i saw there so i signed up, and couldn't wait to get approved to start posting. I was then motivated to start writing good contents in preparation for the approval, and awaken my dreams again. So here was a the perfect platform for me to have bursted open my dreams box, and yet i had no idea it existed..

Well, the next best time was "NOW!"


While still serving my country, i took a job in a neighbouring state to support my finances as the federal government allowance i received was too meagre to sponsor my living in a strange land. I worked for three months and never got paid a penny, not even a travelling allowance considering the distance to and from work daily. The company kept promising and failing so i resigned.

This made me more dissatisfied with the idea of jobs because to me, a job is only an avenue to raise the needed capital to build my own business, and also to learn employer and employee relationships, and having my measure of this, i would quit. I don't believe in spending my whole life building other people's dreams and not having anything to my name.

When i joined steemit, i decided i will make the best of it, since it was even going to be fun getting to do what i love, and eventually getting paid for it. I got connected with @andersonfx few days later. He made me re-write my introductory post until he was satisfied with the delivery, that's why i have many intro posts on my blog... lol... He advised me not to think much about the money in the beginning, but focus on developing my creativity and reasoning as whatever comes forth must be very qualitative, and whatever i did then woud determine how long i'd have to wait to get noticed and eventually, rewarded. I became a student of steemit and would read as many trending and hot posts as possible, and keep reading about steemit and marking out seven new discoveries every day.

Weeks later, i got in contact with the perfect steemit gentleman minnow @dongentle2, whose learning process was way more progressive than mine. He patiently and critically moulded me through my beginnings (and still does), and has become a huge part of my steemit testimony.

me and @dongentle2 on one of the steemit schooling episodes..Lol..

The effect of this new change in me to my family was very deep. My siblings, @slimsieris and @udy-lion, couldn't wait to get approved as they registered immediately and have been making impressive advancements since approved. So the Lion family went campaigning to bring people to the steemit

Now two months later, i have renewed and even increased the energy i pump into my passion, i no longer have to worry about doing jobs i don't like to raise money, i now have clearer goals set to achieve my dream as an entrepreneur, i can now contribute to the financial base of my family however i can, i have learnt more than i did in the years i spent in the university (it's more practical here), i am now more certain about my future of financial freedom (as i've always had an unusual phobia for poverty).

This is the quickest life changing process i've ever envisioned!


I have always had a flare for catering and large scale animal farming, but there is a special longing i have for fashion that even i cannot understand. I remember telling a friend that even if it remains a day for the world to end, i will mark the fashion industry, lol.. To achieve this dream, i had to save for what seemed like eternity. Thanks to steemit, i don't have that problem anymore. I am now fixed on targets and sure of when my life as an owner of a business will commence. I have no doubts that this will happen soon, and when it does, steemians will be the first to know that i'm ready to paint the world red!


All my life, i've had to get used to not having enough money to do expressly what i needed to do. I always prayed and dreamed that one day, when i'm financially strong, i would re-visit all those projects and do them to my taste, and if i could not, i would sponsor people who could. All that came back to mind when i started getting little rewards from the steemit adventure.

I bought a fairly used laptop a while ago (i could not afford a new one), which kept breaking down, and eventually stopped working. This really discouraged me as i could no longer connect my creativity with more efficiency, and i could not afford another. Also, it was hard to be a penny less graduate still burdening my parents with financial responsibility in a crowded family of seven children.

Today the story is different. I now send gifts to my siblings with the little i can spend from my rewards, and i have a good savings structure to fund the purchase of my brand new dream laptop. I am not worried about finances anymore even if i don't have much to spend because, if it's been just two months and it's this wonderful, then the next few months and years will be amazing!


This part is really thrilling. Steemit has given me the grand exposure to all forms of creativity, and this has developed my personality into a more interesting one. I am now more challenged to grow in mentality and reasoning. I find here on steemit everything i need to know about any and every sphere of life from the beautifully dynamic contents developed by the beautiful minds of steemians. Most times i am simply amazed at some of the knowledge steemians display here and the rest of the world is totally unaware.

This rubs off on my relationship life. I am now more open and expressive and i have learned to forge and maintain good relationships with people.

I would like to thank some steemians for their continual support, encouragements, and mind blowing contents that have changed my life.. @surpassinggoogle, @humanearl, @sean-king, @acidyo, @ana-maria, @donkeypong, @strawhat, @scorer, @papa-pepper, @swissclive, and a host of others. I am most grateful i came in contact with you all. I have made good friends out of steemians who have been very amazingly parts of my success story. I will tell this story one day, and i will remember to mention all the names.

I plan to further my studies and get a Masters degree once i get the financial backing. I see steemit helping me achieve this too. What can i say? Steemit is the real deal! I love the steemit community in a special way, and i pray it lasts if not forever, a day before forever, lol...

I was going to put up a post about how steemit has changed my life and title it - "Tribute To Yester Me!" I will still share this story, and now i have one more experience to add to it, courtesy this contest so please stay tuned. This is my first major contest (though i haven't won in any of the minor ones, but i totally enjoyed the fun), and i'm happy i got to share all these here.

Thanks again @dobartim and the team, @aidasfg7 and @flysky for this wonderful opportunity.


Thanks for reading!

To be part of the ongoing contest, click on the link below:


Welcome to Steem Community @wakkylyon! As a gentle reminder, please keep your master password safe. The best practise is to use your private posting key to login to Steemit when posting; and the private active key for wallet related transactions.

In the New Steemians project, we help new members of steem by education and resteeeming their articles. Get your articles resteemed too for maximum exposure. You can learn more about it here:

Thank you very much for the mention, dear @wakkylyon!
To be honest, I wasn't even aware and I still don't know how did I manage to help you, but I'm more than glad if I did by any means. 😊

Well, the helper more quickly forgets than the helped. You punched in the right places and made me digest lots of minnows' manuals, plus reading your blog resets me in a certain kinda way. Thanks again!

You are more than welcome! Really glad to hear that and thank you too! 😊

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Welcome to Steemit. Love from Kenya.

Oh thank you!

Welcome to Steemit from Indonesia, this is an amazing platform for creativity and imagination. Share, comment and make friends

Sure thing. Thank you!

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