Steemit Ultimate Challenge 8 Weeks - Week #6

in #steemitultimatechallenge6 years ago (edited)

First of all I want to thank @dobartim for organizing this contest. We have opportunity to tell the world how steemit platform changed our lives.

This is how Steemit changed my life let us start in my personal life.

Before I am not into blogging, Vlogging because for me it is a waste of time, and with all honesty (please don't be angry with me, this is how I see blogging before) I see people who are engaging in blogging as attention seeker or those people who wants to be noticed by others. Why in the world you need to take a video of yourself and post it and show it to the world? But that is @joeysison before steemit. This is how I started and how Steemit changed my personal life, here is a turning point of my life.

I wasted thousands of pesos in my crypto trading, all my hard earn money were disappeared because of my weak trading strategy. I found myself broke. I don't know where to start again, I don't know where to get money so that I can trade again. I assessed myself what was wrong with me, I found out that I became boastful, pride and felling "all knowing". I never ask for help.

Below shows where I bought QLC and SNOV and look where are they now. It is just my Kucoin investment, Bittrex, Binance are not yet included. Soooo heart breaking.

One time, in my brokenness, my wife asked me to try steemit, she added me in their group chat, I found the conversation boring because I don't have any idea to what they were saying so I leave the group chat. With boastful heart I said, they are all newbie, what can I learn from them? They are talking nonsense things (their topic is SBD). During those times I am still broken because every time I look into my crypto investment it reminds me of my wrong and compulsive strategy and my unteachable attitude.

One day when I secretly study steemit (coz I don't want to let my wife know that I am studying steemit, coz of ego?) I discover that I can earn "SBD" through blogging. It captures my heart because I am a crypto investor and steemit is giving SBD (crypto) to all subscribers. So Immediately I subscribed and I told my wife that I am now a confirmed steemian, with a big smile in her lips. I started small but I have a big dream, I started posting some stuff but feeling discouraged because no one noticed me. (On this part, now I know the feeling why some people are doing blogging, now I know the feeling if their post has no engagement, comments, likes, etc).

So, I keep on blogging, along the way people are teaching me, situation is guiding me that in steemit you don't need to beg for upvotes, you don't need to beg for approval. You just need to be who you are and let people know that you are what you are and through that people will upvote you, people will like you. Steemit changes my motives in doing things, from being a selfish person it teaches me to offer something to someone with no expectation of something in return.

Steemit helps me to understand that dollar is not the currency of humanity but the real currency of humanity is "LOVE". This is how steemit changed my perspective in life.

Cents can be disregarded because it has small value.

This is how I see things before, if you have small value I can disregard you but everything changes when I engage in steemit. Before I don't care for .25 cents because it is just a cent but when I posted some blog I am very happy when someone upvoted my post and got $.01, for me it is very meaningful but when I converted $.01 cent it is just a 0.52 Php and you can only buy a piece of candy for that amount. I see things in a different way through steemit, I realized that

The value of money is dependent on how you work hard for it, the small value of money became big when you experienced the hardship just to have the cents.

Through steemit I learned to value small things, cents are now important to me. Through steemit we have savings now, we have another source of income. It really helps us in saving money so that when there's a need we can get some. I am grateful because I know to myself that we have savings and I know it is a hard earned money that's why I treasure every cents that I am receiving out of my steemit post.

Today every cent counts

Through Steemit I meet new people with different languages, some of them are spanish, nigerian, french and majority are filipinos. I called it a "Education of life" because in this part I really learn a lot that even our schools cannot teach it to us, my teacher is my "Experiences". It is good to see that steemit could offer a wonderful platform where birds with same feather really flock together. I meet people with same passion like me, same skills like mine and we help each other to sharpen one another. I though Facebook is the only platform that could connect thousands of people around the world, and yes I am wrong because Steemit really replaces Facebook in my list of the most used social media.

Honestly, I often used steemit compare to Facebook.

The good thing about Steemit is that it offers "value" as you connect to other people.

Steemit also helped me to develop my self-esteem my perspective in life. Steemit teaches me that I have something to offer to world. It also helped me to develop my encouragement skills, my persuasion ability, in fact some of my friends which are leaders also are now convinced and they are about to start their steemit journey. We also have a dream of creating a community in Caloocan City and later on in Metro Manila (Capital of Philippines). Steemit encourages me that I can build a community. Picture below shows the faces of minnows but whale inside, they are now engaging in steemit, some of them are content writer, teachers and church leaders.

Through steemit also I meet fantastic community like @steemitfamilyph and @steemitachievers, and selfless coaches like @ankarlie @maverickinvictus @Jon24jon24 @tpkidkai @allerie00 and @surpassinggoogle @steemsecrets @teardrops in the person of Terry Ajayi (sorry if I missed some). I want to take this opportunity to share to you the people who really helped, corrected and encouraged me to keep on steeming. I consider them as my credible mentors.

Most specially to my real life mentor and encourager @lalasison who always support me when I am down, I am quitting, she always understands me and pushes me to reach my dreams in life.

This is how steemit changed my life and continuously changing my perspective in life. Steemit communication not only changed my life but also in some how uses me to inspire and touch other people's lives. I am so blessed to know how my posts touch others, it is far more than SBD that I will earn. To know that I inspire others through my post is the greatest return for my labor, because at the end of the day SBD will remain SBD it is a mere coin but to see people rising up from failure, difficulties, challenges because of your posts is worth it. Today that is my "Top 1" reason why I keep on posting encouraging verses, articles so that in a simple way I can touch the lives of other people.

Here are some replies that I really treasure in my heart. I treasure these pieces to keep my self moving.

Through those words of appreciation, I try to assess myself if I am really giving an impact to someone's life. After several days of contemplating I decided to try something new, something that I never did before. Yes, I may not have a profit business but my business in life is to touch people's lives through small act of kindness. This time I decided to touch others personally and I prayed for it and thank God for impressing to me to help some less fortunate kids. Touching lives is not limited in digital but we could also do it in physical. Today I am raising some funds to feed some street children You may visit this post. I hope that I could help more children to see life in a different perspective.

I believe that steemit is designed to use money to help people not use people to have money.

Thank you for reading my story @dobartim, to share my story is a win already for me. I give all the glory to God.

I just want to give thanks to the following for donating SBD's. I believe your seeds will grow and you will receive the fruits of your sharing @aidasfg7 @flysky @dobartim for Supporting this contest. Thanks to Donors : @aidasfg7 55.512 SBD, @flysky 40 SBD, @xpilar 10 SBD , @sultan-aceh 5 SBD , @utomobong 5 SBD, @fadhila 2 SBD, @udembahenry 1 SBD

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Steemit has indeed a chance to change peoples lives.

@ankarlie and I will continue helping people and change their lives for the better.

Thank you sir for your sincerity and truthfulness. Every time I need to tell others who is my mentor I proud to all of you. A man who have sincerity to help.

Aww it's good that steemit is not only for financial freedom but also changes lives. I am very happy for you.

I am glad that I am one of those cited above. :) I am always willing to help as much as I can and see those people excel in the platform.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.20
TRX 0.13
JST 0.030
BTC 62808.61
ETH 3464.94
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53