Steemit School Poetry 100 Day Challenge #66-Pop Goes the Weasel

The steer will find its way home.
To the slaughter.
Such is his lot.
He who leads the herd.

The chicken will return to roost;
so they say.
It will shit.
Perched on its roost,
on the head below.

Men return to a dark place.
The grave,
like the womb,
is an enclosed space,
that falls at the end of what’s in between.
In between the start and the end.
Whatever the start and the end maybe.


A little about me and poetry

This poem is my submission to the School Poetry 100 Day Challenge hosted by @d-pend, whom I would like to thank for sponsoring this competition. He is indeed a godsend. Though a bit dubious, I would consider myself an intermediate writer of poetry. My first love is prose, so if you get a feel of something other than verse in my poetry that is why. I use poems to assist me when I have writer’s block. This strategy, however, seems to be morphing into something more serious. At least I think so.

Thanks for reading.

Poem by: @nicholas83

Date: 5/12/18

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Poetry that speaks of an intermediate space between life and death. A flicker of time moves us and we go from the beginning to the end guided by someone superior who sleeps early, who often does not see us on the journey and less in our nights, our darkness ... simply because he is asleep.
This idea of the "sleeping God" is a nihilistic philosophical theme that warns us to live without fear, but aware that this life is ours and, as such, we are responsible for leading it. For ourselves and not for promises of rewards or punishments postvivor, after the abandonment of the body, leads us to other spaces, still unknown. That, according to the view, could be a beginning or an end.

Did you study philosophy? This is just so profound.

In the twilight of our lives we are again children. We go back to the liquid diet and we will not remember who we were. Sad reality.

Men return to a dark place.
The grave,
like the womb,
is an enclosed space,
that falls at the end of what’s in between.
In between the start and the end.
Whatever the start and the end maybe.

Your metaphors are amazing really, your language for such an omnious poetry Is really amazing, I Love the fact that you didn't use too many cliches these kinda poems makes us want to, however, thank you so much for writing I really enjoyed you're my pick of the week.

Thanks much for this feedback.

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