POETRY | DAY 3 | The Maze at the End Of Time

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The Maze at the End of Time, poetry by @naquoya.

Day 3 of 100 for @d-pend's Poetry Challenge

The Maze at the End of Time

Another droplet of light
An escapee from my other soul
Measured in sound bites
And random disturbances
It's static
All is static
Beyond the white noise
Designed for our viewing pleasure

A spiral
A staircase
A guardian of treasures that lay scattered
Gone to waste
Whilst we sit and wonder
About last nights dream
Our collective memory
So much faster
Than the droplet of light
That is trying to be born

"It's in three-d," the keeper of madness says
As if I would be impressed
But I've seen it all before

"Here, have a taste, it's the best there is by far"
He speaks like a man obsessed
With insignificance
And altered states
Of delusion

A curiosity and a curse
That spun
And never stopped
Not for a moment
Until forgetfulness had shown its face

Reading Notes: For the purposes of the 100 Day Poetry Challenge, which is explained in more detail here and here, I would consider myself to be an intermediate level poet. I have been writing for many years, but with no formal training. I just go with what feels right to me at the time. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

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Images sourced from unsplash.com.

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Links to earlier works

Potpourri | My Steemit Poetry Collection


Some wonderful work. A lot of great imagery:)

Thank you, I appreciate your kind words.

I didn't realize you were from Australia too, mate

From Melbourne, although overseas at the moment. And you?

Nerong, NSW

Am in Canada though

Where did I meet you from though, thealliance, right? I don't remember chatting with you on TA discord

I know of the TA on PAL Discord. Is that the same one?
And yes, we met through The Alliance. It was on the Alpha Syndicate initially.

I like the idea of light dripping. I can see the ripple in mineral pools, stalactites, stalagmites.

The image works for me too. I like where this one went, and I think it was that idea of light dropping. The visuals you describe are great, gives it that 3D feel I had in my mind.

That was an interesting poem... Good luck in the contest and have a great day ahead!

Thank you.

You haven't lost a beat, mate! Your descriptions are fantastic, and your waxing is on point. I loved the second stanza. You could feel the rush and anticipation in every line. Could be the way you wrote it, or it could that your emotion was just injected so fully in this piece.

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