Some Thoughts Need To Be Cut Loose

I live in a country where hope is a foolish dream,
and reality is a creepy monster
that gained its bloody reputation
from tearing expectations apart.

I live in a place where our very existence is irony itself.
Our fathers must've cursed theirs for bringing them here,
and yet here we are.

I live in a place where all the roads lead outside
But all the doors are closed,

Where you can go to prison for "overthinking",
to your grave for no reason,
or to the bottom of the sea for dreaming.

I live in a place where "we smile" can only be half a sentence.
The other half must include the word "despite".


I hope they don't think this was "overthinking"!
Wait, did I just say they can "think"?


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Sounds like you may need to become a sneaky lock pick and get outta those doors lol but this poem is well structured and has great flow that weights the sentiments, definitely not over thought in that sense 😉

It is hard to think of the world we live in having places where thinking too much can get you locked up. It seems life is exceedingly less fair is certain locations, which in itself seems so wrong.

Maybe, as soon as I can :)

"less fair" is the right ways to describe it, and there's always somewhere where it's even less fair, I'm afraid.

This is a very strong piece, @hazem91. I see it as a testament to the power of word and despite the dire circumstances depicted here, the piece offers a sense of hope due to its defiant tone. Nice piece.

:) Thanks for the visit and the kind words.
There are some times when life is so tiring

Well done, great job!

Strong and powerful piece my friend, your writing is excellent and I really feel your struggle.

As a wise man once said, when the going get’s tough - the tough get going.

Good luck and stay safe.

#thealliance #witness

Thanks old friend ;)

This is a really powerful piece - gave me both a lump in my throat and anger in my gut.
Wishing you well my friend.
E x

Thank you @eveningart
I can't say I'm glad it did. But thank you for feeling it :)

This is a very potent piece of writing, and I applaud you for putting your thoughts into this poem so well. I think all of us struggle in our place, regardless of situation, for it is part of the human condition. Bravo for expressing this in such a way!

It expressed itself I did nothing ;)

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