'Lies Tie' - 100 Day Poetry Contest Day 80

Welcome... To a 100 day journey into the poetic minds of the @steemitschool writing community!

I am currently on a 21 day quest to 'Awaken the Species' with Neale Donald Walsch, and today was day 5.

It was all about doing what you say your going to do... Something I don't always live up to...

But I'm on my way. I'm doing the work I need to do to become a better me.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

100 Day Poetry Day 80 Image 1.jpg

Lies Tie

Stay true to your word.
Do what it is you say you're going to do.
Stay true.
It can seem hard but actually it's the easier option.
It will cause you less pain to go with yourself instead of going against yourself.
Suffering will incur...
Painful emotions will stir -
The lines between the lies and the truth will blur,
From walking the path of truth you defer...
Except -
Often that time never comes,
And to the temptation of lying we succumb...
Doing damage that simply -
Cannot be undone.
So speak your truth.
Not only to yourself.
But to everyone.

100 Day Poetry Day 80 Image 2.jpg

Thank you as always for reading.

With Love
Hart Floe Poet

All entries and images are created by me on each day as required by the rules. Loving the need to create every day to be part of this… it’s so rewarding!

Please make sure that you join the -

Steemitschool Discord Channel to stay in touch, get involved, take classes and workshops, improve your poetry, post your submissions and do your bit to become a part of the community there... Let's make this extra special by coming together!

All images were created by me on Canva. All photos used in construction of images are my own.


While I agree that in the long run it will work out better if you tell the truth. The fact is the in the short run, lies tend to work well. Well at least for me.

Nice and uplifting words though. In these times of gloom, it is not often that we find these gems. I hope I will find the courage to follow so much of what is laid out in these verses.


Lies build a web that binds and blind us.
I enjoyed this.
The markdown style gave the poem a distinct look.

Write on.

Very true, but we need some lies to actually reveal the truth, not that I'm saying lying is good.

And about saying the truth to one's self I totally agree, Co's that's one the thing that can destroy us finally.

Nice work mate.

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