100 DAYS OF POETRY: DAY 90 - send death home

in #steemitschoolpoetry6 years ago (edited)


send    death    home
By Stephen Martin

creeping sparrows tap up to feet
and drive the wooden beam through meat

adjunct the living while we     die
often do the    night    birds    cry

capitalising corporate crime to cement
elders words anew

the molted machinations boss    the    tables
to the corner of    the  living  room

we dance on sharpened toenails
across the linoleum

we leave tracks for other hell bent souls
to follow

our breaths are shallow wisps of    cotton
we construct the matches for our pyres

the birdy men of winter’s end
return each spring to spring again

we hope and clink in softer chains
but blackened mark our still remains

do not despair when bleak winds come
do not play the idiot dumb

do not steal away and hide your mark
flint the flinty flinter spark

do not drag the hyper bone
send death packing    send    death    home

Images sourced from Pixabay

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