Steemit Sandwich Contest Week #86 | Bird’s Kimchi Pulled Pork

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It’s week 86 of my friend @jaybirds Steemit Sandwich Contest!

If you haven’t checked out this amazing contest you must! So many exciting sandwiches each week. @jaybird has been hosting if for over a year now and with @llfarms sponsoring, it’s the place to be my friends. A big thanks to both of them!

The Bird household is heating up big time! The whole family will be here today and that means the kitchen is humming! We decided to smoke a pulled pork for the occasion, enough for all to snack on! A perfect sandwich to share with my friends in the Sandwich community! A little Kimchi, Mesquite and Apple smoked Pulled pork! MMMMMMMM!

All you need

  • Pork Shoulder Butt
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Pit Boss Pork Rub
  • Gruyere Cheese (shredded)
  • Fresh Onion
  • Mayo
  • Fresh Spicy Kimchi
  • Sriracha Sauce
  • Ciabatta Rolls
  • Fresh veggies
  • A bit of Ranch to keep things cool!

It all began…

yesterday, a late night date with Apple Cider Vinegar. Soak the Pork overnight covered with Apple Cider Vinegar. Add 3 tbsp. Pit Boss Pork rub to the Vinegar, stir and see you tomorrow!
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Good morning! I grabbed…

that bottle of Pit Boss Rub and patted the rub all over that pork. Can't be shy! Now out to the smoker for about 6 hours or until the internal temp of the pork is 195 degrees…pulling temp!
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Times up…

time to pull the pork! Oh my goodness!
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Better taste it before the gang arrives...

So I sliced up the onions, grabbed the rolls and layered up! A little mayo, sliced Onion, Pulled Pork, cheese and last but not least... Kimchi ! (with an extra dose of Sriracha) Woot!

Voila, the Birds are really chirping now! Spicy!

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Kimchi love! I hope you’ll enjoy!

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I’m so glad you stopped in today! Thanks @jaybird for another fantastic week of The Steemit Sandwich Contest! I can't wait to hear what you think!

And as always, blessings to you all!



The STEEM Engine


I have never been that big a fan of Pork, but I must say that does look so good I would have to try it

I have to say, it was good @tattodjay. Adding the Kimchi was as they say the icing on the cake, lol Fun to share :) Enjoy your weekend!

I have only tried Kimchi once years ago and it was a little to spicy for me, but my tastes have changed so maybe I would like it now


That Kimchi with the with an extra dose of Sriracha!! Oh, mama!!!! Now we are talking! Pulled pork is one of my favorite ways to serve a pork shoulder. I have a smoker, but, honestly, I never thought of smoking it. I usually cook it slow. ( I am wondering if this would possibly also work slow cooking as opposed to smoking?(in case one doesn't have a smoker?)

You have become one of my sources for inspiration in the food department! I kid you not! :) The crunch of the kimchi and the bit of the w extra dose of Sriracha!!

I'm in!! Making my way to the Birdhouse!

Awesome post!


You are amazing Denise! Thank you! You always know just what to say to bring a smile :) This was fun to make, trying the Kimchi with it was such a sweet surprise! You'll probably see more of it, lol I have used the slow cooker too and I think it probably makes it more tender, but the flavor from the smoker just can't be beat. I hope you'll try it, just as you know, low and slow! We love our smoker, its great to share with the kids while they're here. And as for the Sriracha, oh my!

And I thought I liked it hot. You may have me beat. (But maybe not. I'm tough.)

hehehe, it was just the right amount of heat! One of my favorite combo's. Too hot for the hubby, but not me! :)

Totally different recipe to the ones I have tried, looks great @birdsinparadise super tasty I bet!

We try a different method each time, it's fun that way! Different rub mixtures, woods...just love it! Glad you enjoyed it. What is your favorite recipe? I would love to hear about it! :)

Congratulations @birdsinparadise! This post was selected by the Power House Creatives as today's Rally Upvote Post :)

You can find the community announcement on Discord :) and it has also been shared on our FB Page and Twitter feed.


Thank you! What a wonderful surprise! Really appreciate the curation @steemitbloggers!

I dont know how you do it but you make this plant based eating gal salivate all the time. I’ve never been a pulled pork fan but yours, my God woman, yours looks outstanding. Such a food magician you are!

I would think you would love the Kimchi...I am all over it :) We made sauerkraut while my daughter was here but we didn't have time to make Kimchi...when we visit her I plan to make some :) So spicy and tasty. No magician here, the food does all of the work, lol :)

Sure, then your food needs a vacay because it’s been working overtime. You have to tell me, can I ferment sauerkraut without a cheese cloth? Will a paper towel work? I really want to make some now :)

Yes, it just needs ventilation but also you don't want anything to fall into it to promote mold growth. We just sit the lid on top of the cheese cloth so to protect the area. Mold is a big no-no. This would be awesome for your gut health my friend!!!!!! It's so easy, I just keep old pickle jars...and use them! Recycle-re-use, lol

I have mason jars but no cheese cloth 🤦🏼‍♀️ If I could use something in place of a cheese cloth I’d be making this recipe stat :)

That looks amazing, @birdsinparadise :D I have never thought about kimchi sandwich but now that you've presented this ........ I really want to try a kimchi sandwich !!!!! XD

And the pulled pork looks incredible too...... It's 2 PM here so it is a perfect time for me to check out food posts cuz I'm hungry and I'm due for a lunch :D :D :D

I have to say I am a major kimchi fan...this combo sold me for sure! Excellent pairing :) Hope you had a super lunch! I'm sure you deserved it after all your hard work! Thanks so much!

oh dam! Smoke Pulled Pork!

Hope you had a wonderful day with your fam :)

hehe, so glad you liked it! The family loved the pulled pork, and the Kimchi! Smokey and spicy a the Bird house :) Thanks @jaybird! So glad you stopped by!

Holy macaroni! or should i say holy pork!
That's not a sandwich; that's an aircraft carrier!

lol, you are too funny! It was a beast, my husband was quite pleased! More than enough for two or three meals, that was our plan! A little goes a long way...

I just had a slice of bread but seeing this that looks delish, makes me want a sandwich too. 😃

I know, pictures can really send me into the kitchen looking for glad you enjoyed it! :)

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