Steemit Photo Challenge 40 - Street Photography Entry 1

Steel Serpent

Rails, roads, ramps. All different channels and pathways to get to where we need to go.

Location: Shinimamiya, Osaka, Japan
Tech details: Cannon Kiss X5, Sigma 10-20mm 10mm/ƒ/11/1/400s/ISO 1600
Post processing: Lightroom CC

Contest details and rules


I love the colors! Almost none. Great one @mweich.

Thank you very much! That was part of the processing but there were not many colours to start with as it was a cloudy almost rainy day.

good luck @mweich
at first glance i thought you were in Manila

The processing part is the part I like the most. That gives the pictures the feel we are looking for.

I like this one. I've been watching the entries since yesterday and I'm not sure people understand this week's challenge. But, this pic fits what I'd be looking for as a judge, great work!

Thank you for your support! Yeah, many people have misinterpreted the term "Street Photography". "Street Photography" doesn't mean photos of streets but rather photos of what goes on in streets, the urban environment and people interacting with it and each other. This weekend I'll take my 50mm lens into the city and try to get some shots of people interacting.

Yeah, I will be taking some shots today and we'll see what happens. Hope your weekend works out perfectly

Best of luck!

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