Steemit Photo Challenge 29: Reptiles Entry

Reptiles are a vast group of animals! For this challenge I have chosen some of the aquatic varieties.

Entry 1: Japanese pond turtle

I very very slowly approached this turtle as it was sunning itself in the shallow water of an irrigation ditch at the edge of a rice field. I was careful to crouch down and move slowly to avoid frightening it. This particular species is in decline in Japan due a loss of habitat and competition from Red Slider Turtles, which were imported for the pet trade and released into the wild by irresponsible owners.

Entry 2: Chinese Alligator

This small alligator, adults average only 1.5m is critically endangered. This is primarily due to habitat loss and environmental degradation and pollution. The Tennoji Zoo in Osaka has a program for breeding these crocodiles, hopefully they can increase the population and eventually return them to their original home in the Yangtze River of China.

Entry 3: Chinese Softshell Turtle

Another vulnerable species! Turtles and alligators have a rough time. The principal threat for this particular and peculiar turtle is the soup pot. Used as a food source and in traditional medicine in China and Japan (possibly other Asian countries as well) while vulnerable in the wild, there are farms where they are bred for consumption. Not sure how anyone could eat this cute little guy though!


What a great images! I especially like the first one, well done :D

Thanks, I was surprised at how close I was able to get, even after taking the pictures it remained sunning itself as I backed up and left!

Haha that's awesome! Maybe he was mesmerized by the sun/warmth :D

Great! Love the 3rd pic!

They are goofy looking but rather cute!

Excellent photos, all are very good, maybe the 2nd is my favourite!

The algae in the enclosure reminded me of traditional matcha green tea!

Yeah it does, doesn't it!

The cute little guy don't look so cute when it's trying to bite the finger but I guess it's in some glass enclosure. :-)

Yeah, he (she?) was happily swimming around in a spacious aquarium, mostly snapping a bubbles. It would indeed be far less cute without a glass barrier!

My favorite is number one. Good luck in the competition

Thank you very much!

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