Steemit name challenge! The Pheli Mystery!

Not sure it's a mystery to everyone, but I'll take this chance to explain the story behind my username.

This another fun tag/challenge that is making the rounds over at #thealliance. They are a great group of quality content creators and totally worth checking out!

I guess it's a nomination challenge with official rules and everything. As usual I'm going to forgo the nomination portion and actually I was never nominated, so I'm just going to go rouge on this

The Rules:

▪️Tell us in your post how you chose the current Steemit username you have, the story behind it.
▪️Tell us your real name!
▪️If you could change your current Steemit username, which name would you choose and why? If you have a possible usernames list, mention it!
▪️Use the tag #steemitnamechallenge so that I can track all the posts and check them out
▪️Nominate 5 people for this challenge

The Username

Pheli Mint, is actually a small ecommerce store I have my business partner and best friend. We sell collector silver bullion and design and make some of our own silver rounds. When I first started this account I had no idea what it was really all about and just though it was another place to post some of our store content. Little did I know how great it was going to be around here, and just how active I was going to be. I wish it was more of a personal username, since most of what I blog about is mostly personal stuff and little bit of everything.

That still doesn't explain what a "Pheli" is. Although it sounds like a name and heck maybe it even is a persons name somewhere in the world, but it is actually just the name "Phil" (my name) and "Eli" smashed together. There is a story behind that.

Here is the official story from our website here

It comes from the days when Phil and Eli used to work on the remote nursing stations in Northern Ontario together. Phil and Eli were the adventurous sort, and they didn't want to waste the opportunity to make the most of their opportunities. They were constantly seen fishing, hunting or trapping. They were activity involved in all the community sporting events, feasts and dances. They experimented in metal detecting and prospecting. Occasionally they were even spotted hanging around the school trying to charm the female teachers.

Legend spread that Phil and Eli had developed such a close bond that they were becoming one single entity, and that single entity needed only one name "Pheli". We often used that name to refer to ourselves as we continued to adventure and scheme and it seamed perfect to represent us on this new adventure following our passions into semi-numismatic silver bullion.

The rest of the Challenge

So that's the big reveal of the story behind the name. Of course from above my real name is actually Phil. I do often use it around here and trying to use it more often. I want the blog here to be more a personal brand than something related to our business.

If I could change, it would be probably be something with Phil in it. Maybe FarmerPhil, or CoutryPhil, or DaddyPhil, or probably just Phil and be cool like that with a zippy 4 letter username to show how early adopter I was, (although it looks like Phil has been taken since April 2016(way earlier than me)).

Looking forward to reading everyone else's there's a few stumpers out there I've always been curious about

Footer by @bearone


I'm kind of boring, I guess. I just use my own name, so I don't forget it :)

I have wondered about your username many times, especially during the fitness challenge when I kept getting it wrong! Cool story!

I'm gonna go rogue and simply make a comment instead. lol

The Creation

The username yesaye, like all great thoughts and inventions, was born in the toilet. Yeah, I was probably taking a dump.

The Breakdown

My actual name's initials are S and A.
Yes sounds like S.
Aye sounds like A.
They both mean agreeing.

The Reason

I want to say yes to all new experiences, events, places and friends that come my way in this life so that it's a lot more colorful, vibrant, fun and adventurous!

The Fun Fact

The initials of YesAye too become YA - another form of yes.
You can also see my actual initials between two 'ye's - yeSAye

The Conclusion

I probably wouldn't have my username any other way. The moment I came up with it, it was like the best eureka moment ever! :P
Oh and my real name is Sharan. :D
#steemitnamechallenge #yesaye

And the award for most interesting though process in a steemit user name goes too....@yesaye! Love it man.

Hehe thank you! That comment became a lot longer than I expected. lol

PS: Notice the Y and A in my avy. ;P

That's a really charming story, in life we are often lucky to find and share our time with good close friends - but when your bond is so great people start referring to you as a single person - that's incredible. Mostly I had picked up on your Silver selling business and related that mostly to this account - so it's interesting to learn more about the people behind it.


Yeah, we certainly had a lot of fun times up north, it's a shame we live so far away now in the real world.

Pfft. Call yourself an early adopter.
You just drifted in on the last tide :)

Yikes, you caught I like to think I'm as cool as

Never gonna happen. I remember walking a young Ned through the place.
Showing him around, how everything works...

Isn't Ned still young though? Or is he just

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