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RE: Lame Tag — I mean Name Tag — I mean pffffttt...

I actually (as a joke) used "Ruperto" as a fake name for signing up for svg software that I never ended up using... So I guess you can call me "Rupert" for now?? :)

Too many people hate me (spammers mostly) for me to talk about who I am! :)

Genesis is a really nice name!


If you say your name is "Paquito" I think I believe you, there would be many "Paquitos" in the world and perhaps in the universe, and the probability that your dear friends spammers find you would be almost nil, they may just want to give you a hug lol

Seriously thank you for the compliment: 3

A spammer hug would be a terrible contagion just waiting to happen... I would have to put scuba gear on and stay in a tank of cleaning solution for a week :D

Ains! But how cruel you all need a hug :(

Maybe, but NEVER from the spammer, I could catch something :O

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